Musk, founder of the US electric vehicle giant Tesla, believes that China will have a strong artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, but also calls for strengthening the supervision of artificial intelligence.

Musk Thursday (July 6) at the opening ceremony of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference held in Shanghai through a video speech, he admired the wisdom and determination of the Chinese, "Once the Chinese are determined to do one thing well,They will do well; this is the case in various fields, including artificial intelligence. "

Musk has always been wary of artificial intelligence.In his speech, he predicts that the number of robots on the earth will be more than humans in the future, but the super intelligence generated by hundreds of thousands or even millions of high -performance computers will be a risk for humans.It should ensure that human beings are giving positive futures through strengthening supervision and other means.

He also revealed that Tesla will realize fully autonomous driving in the later year without manual intervention, and is willing to share its autonomous driving technology with other competitors.

Musk and Alibaba founder Ma Yun at the scene of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in 2019 to debate on "an opportunity or a threat of artificial intelligence or threat".But since the official strengthening supervision of Chinese technology companies two years ago, Ma Yun no longer attended the conference.This year, even Tencent founder Ma Huateng, Baidu founder Li Yanhong and other scientific and technological leaders did not show up, making the Starlight of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference, which entered the fifth year.

Participants avoid talking about the Sino -US Science and Technology War

In addition, the participants also avoided talking about the Sino -US science and technology war that continued to heat up. Only Huo Houkun, the chairman of Huawei rotated, briefly mentioned in his speech. In the current situation, Huawei has the acquisition of computing power and costs.When encountering a lot of challenges, it is trying to make multiple development methods such as architecture innovation, ecological development, and flexible co -construction, "making computing power no longer the bottleneck of artificial intelligence development."

After China ’s export control over scarce raw materials such as 锗 and 本 this week, the US media reported that the United States is considering restricting cloud computing services in China’ s use of companies such as Amazon and Microsoft to try to restrict China's development of artificial intelligence technology.

However, Liu Yan, president of China Communications, pointed out in the forum in the afternoon that the huge user base and data are an important advantage of China's development of artificial intelligence and also allowed it to maintain contact with the outside world."((Other countries) in the digital economy era with the world's largest database break -up chain may encounter many challenges during the implementation process. Cooperation is the only choice for win -win."

The 2022 Global Artificial Intelligence Innovation Index report released by the China Institute of Science and Technology Information at the Conference shows that China's AI Innovation Index has remained second in the world for three years, second only to the United States.But the United States has greatly leading China in internationalization.


report pointed out that China's rankings in terms of talent, education, patent output, etc. have risen, but the level of infrastructure construction still needs to be improved.From the perspective of the number of global supercomputers (TOP500 super) in the top 500, the number of TOP500 owned by China accounted for global proportion from 45 % in 2020 to 35 % in 2022, while the number of TOP500 over500 in the United States continued to increase in three years., But the report does not provide specific data.