Yan Ning, a well -known structural biologist and founding dean of the Shenzhen Academy of Medical Sciences (chip), was elected as a Chinese scientist as a foreign member of EMBO (ASSOCIATE MEMBER).

According to the website of the Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) local time announced the list of 69 newly selected members on July 4th, including nine foreign countries.Member, Yan Ning is one of them.

The above -mentioned news introduces that Yan Ning is committed to the structure and mechanism of material cross -membrane transportation. For the first time, it reveals a series of possessions such as human glucose transport protein, authentic biological voltage door control sodium ion channels and calcium ion channels.Important and pathological significance of the atomic resolution structure of cross -membrane proteins provides molecular basis for understanding the pathogenesis and drug development of related diseases.

Yan Ning, 45, graduated from the Department of Biology and Technology of Tsinghua University, and Department of Molecular Biology at Princeton University.In 2007, he served as a professor and doctoral supervisor of Tsinghua University and became "the youngest professor of Tsinghua".

Yan Ning was hired as a lifelong lecturer at the Department of Molecular Biology of Princeton University in May 2017.Elected as a foreign academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Yan Ning announced at the Shenzhen Global Innovation Talent Forum on November 1, 2022 that he will resign from the faculty of Princeton University and serve as the founding dean of Shenzhen Academy of Medical Sciences.

Public information shows that EMBO is a famous academic organization in the international biomedical community. It was founded in 1964 and headquartered in Heidelberg, Germany.The organization aims to promote cooperation and development in molecular biology and related fields. Each year, outstanding scientists who have made outstanding contributions in the field of biomedicine have become their members. At present, the organization has more than 1,900 top researchers, of which 91 members have obtained Nobel Price.prize.The newly selected EMBO members this year came from more than 20 countries, 60 newly selected members produced 17 member states for EMBO, and 9 non -organization member scientists were elected as foreign members.

Earlier, there were only 10 Chinese scientists who were elected foreign members of EMBO.Researcher Shao Feng, Professor Cao Xuetao, Researcher Gao Fu and Professor Wu Hong in 2016, Professor Pei Duanqing selected in 2018, and Kangle Researcher selected in 2022.