The delegation of the Japanese business community in Japan said that the Minister of Commerce of China Wang Wentao revealed that China has proposed to Japan to hope that the two countries will allow each citizen to enter the country with visa exemption to facilitate exchanges.

According to the Bloomberg News Agency on Thursday (July 6), Wang Wentao met with the Japanese International Trade Promotion Association led by the former Japanese House of Representatives President Khuru Konaki on Tuesday (4th).At the press conference, some people in the Japanese business community proposed that it was not easy to obtain a visa to come to mainland China.

In response, Wang Wentao responded that China has filed a mutual exemption visa to Japan.It is reported that this implies that Japanese corporate executives should lobby to Tokyo.

Before the crown disease epidemic, Japan, Brunei, and Singapore citizens can unilaterally enter the country to enter mainland China, but the policy has been suspended from March 28, 2020 to this day.

The Ministry of Commerce of China has not responded to Bloomberg's comment request, and the Japanese Embassy in China stated that it has not received any requests from China on the issue of visa exemption.