Coco Li Yan, a Chinese -American singer, known as the international Chinese music scene, died of a giving birth to depression on July 5.DI DA DI's hints, hot dancing arts, and euphemistic unique voice can only be remembered in the past.

Li Yan was born lightly in his sister Hong Kong's apartment.According to the information published by the sister Li's sister through social networking sites, Li Yan has been plagued by depression for many years. In recent months, the situation has deteriorated. Finally, he searched on Sunday (2nd) to get into a coma. After being sent to the hospital for rescue, although his family resolutely did not give upTreatment, after all, back to heaven is lacking.

Hong Kong media reported that in addition to depression, Li Yan also had a small illness in recent years. At the end of last month, he was hospitalized due to physical discomfort. After discharge, he stayed at his sister's house temporarily.Suddenly gone.After the bad news of her death, the fans found that Li Yan thanked the fans on the social media on the 2nd, saying that "I will cheer" and "I am working hard."Although the content of the message is sunny, her voice has been exhausted and sad, which is surprising that the tens of seconds of the message recorded the hardship of fighting with depression at the end of her life.

Many people could not help but think of Zhang Guorong, a superstar who died 20 years ago, fell down due to depression.Zhang Guorong's sister was exposed afterwards. The medical examination confirmed that he was a lack of some elements in his body. He had an imbalance in brain chemistry and caused physiological depression. It was not depression caused by environmental depression.Several friends also revealed that Leslie Cheung has been supporting for a long time beforehand. He has severe insomnia, pale, embarrassed, and shaking his fingers. He has been actively seeking treatment, but the pain caused by depression finally made him "Can't bear it anymore. "

Many medical reports pointed out that patients with depression are affected by the pain that ordinary people cannot understand and imagine, and the so -called mood is low, "thinking too much" or "emotional disease", which cannot be compared at all.Depression is not a disease -free moaning, nor is it confusing.

This is also a long -term neglected worldwide, but few people know, but patients suffer with severe psychiatric diseases.

Statistics of the World Health Organization, nearly 1 billion people around the world suffer from mental disorders in 2019, and suicide accounts for more than 10%of the total number of deaths.After the crown disease, the burden on global mental disorders was heavier, and cases of severe depression and anxiety were increased by 28%and 26%, respectively.Specific depression, some experts warned many years ago that if the situation will not be improved, by 2030, the number of depression patients may exceed the sum of all patients with cardiovascular disease, becoming the world's rough incentives in the world.

The number of depression in China is also considerable.Last year, the Blue Book of National Depression released in 2022 shows that the prevalence of Chinese adult depression disorders is 6.8%, that is, 6.8%of people will develop their disease once in their lives, of which depression is 3.4%.At present, the number of depression in China is 95 million, and about 280,000 people commit suicide each year, of which 40%have depression.

In China, the main cause of depression is emotional pressure (86.39%) and family parent -child relationships (68.04%).The depression group is also young. According to the questionnaire survey, patients under the age of 18 accounted for 30%of the total number, and 50%of patients with depression are students at school.Some studies believe that adulthood depression has developed onset during adolescence.

If it is divided in career, the Internet and education and training industries are the "hardest hit areas" of depression in the workplace.Among the five patients in China, one of the five depression patients from the Internet/Information Technology/Electronics/Communication Industry.From gender, the prevalence of female depression is about twice the male.

Many countries in the world face the problem of insufficient treatment of depression. About 70 % of mental patients in the world cannot get mental health services.Survey statistics in mainland China in 2020 showed that the rate of visits of depression was less than 10%, and only 0.5%of patients were treated with sufficient treatment.In Taiwan, doctors also described the situation of depression: insufficient medical treatment, insufficient diagnosis, insufficient treatment, and insufficient treatment.

In Singapore, a survey in 2016 showed that the prevalence of severe depression was 6.3%, which was increased by 5.8%from the 2010 survey.

Experts say that depression, like hypertension and diabetes, is a chronic disease, and often accompanies various physical discomfort. It requires long -term stable treatment and evaluation, and also requires the understanding and support of relatives and friends.Depression is not cured, and symptoms can be relieved, but it may not come to recur after cure, which will make the parties feel frustrated and give up fighting.

There is no reason not to believe that Li Yan is an optimistic and strong person.In 2001, she boarded the Oscar Golden Awards to sing the theme song of the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. According to her memories afterwards, she was very nervous before the performance and was worried that she would be ugly on the big stage.You must sing well by your Chinese face! ... It is to let the world see that our Chinese are talented. "Now, this stubborn, humble and proud, and leave the world forever.

When talking about patients with mild depression, a doctor said: "These people have always worked hard and want to live well, they are knocked down by the difficulties of life and illness."Many post -80s and post -90s Chinese children, she is sexy, sunny and fearless; there are few stars today, but there are many scandals such as derailment, domestic violence, and drug use.And when you miss this queen, you may wish to take care of depression carefully.This condition has not yet received the attention of the social and medical system.