After the Chinese government implemented export control over semiconductor raw materials 镓 and 锗, the stock price of Chinese manufacturers has skyrocketed on Tuesday (July 4).

Yunnan Yiye and the state -owned enterprise Chihong Zinc 锗, which were listed in China, rose 10%of the early morning trading on Tuesday.At a high daily limit, the valuation of Fuda alloys engaged in the research and development and production of electricity contact materials also daily limit.

The deep syndrome comprehensive index rose slightly by 0.3%, and the Shanghai Composite Index rose slightly by 0.06%.

As the competition between China and the United States has intensified, the Ministry of Commerce of China announced on Monday (3rd) to implement export controls on 镓, 锗 and 30 related items from August 1.The Ministry of Commerce said this was to safeguard China's national security and interests, but it was also regarded as a backbone of the United States and the Netherlands to cut off the advanced chip channels in the United States and the Netherlands.

According to a report by the European Commission in 2020, China's cricket output accounts for 80% of the world's.和 is the necessary raw material for fiber and infrared cameras.The same report shows that 80%of the world's crickets are also from China.

According to data from the US Geological Survey, from 2018 to 2021, about 53%of the United States imported from China.However, after the United States imposed higher tariffs on Chinese salary, the US imports from China in 2019 decreased significantly.