The Chinese Embassy in Japan stated that the report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is not enough to become a "pass" for Japan's discharge of nuclear waste water. Japan should face reasonable concern at home and abroad, and revoke nuclear waste water in a responsible attitude."Decisions for Election of the Sea".

According to international online news, the Chinese Embassy in Japan held a press conference on Tuesday (July 4) to explain the Chinese position on the Fukushima nuclear treatment of water and sea.Wu Jianghao said that the health, global marine environment and international public interests of the Fukushima Nuclear Water Pleasing Haijie Customs have aroused widespread concern in the international community.The IAEA evaluation report cannot become a "pass" of nuclear waste water discharge, and forced the lack of sea to violate the obligations of international law.

Wu Jianghao said that IAEA is an international institution that promotes security, reliability, and peaceful use of nuclear technology. It is not a suitable institution that evaluates the long -term impact of nuclear waste water on marine environment and biological health.It should be pointed out that the Japanese restriction institutional working group authorized and did not accept the evaluation of other disposal plans."The institutional report cannot prove the legitimacy and legitimacy of the Japanese side of the sea, and it cannot be eliminated to avoid the moral responsibility and international law obligations that the Japanese side should bear."

Wu Jianghao said that Japan should face the legitimate concern at home and abroad.Perform the obligation of international law, and in accordance with the attitude towards science, history, global marine environment, the health of all human beings, and the descendants of descendants, the decision of errors in rowing sea is revoked.Strict international supervision.Wu Jianghao also said that so far China has repeatedly stated to Japan on the issue of Fukushima nuclear wastewater.

Tokyo Electric Power Company plans to officially open the Fukushima nuclear treatment of water emissions in the summer of 2023.Matsuni Matsno Matsno Matsuni, the official house of Japanese cabinet, said on Monday (July 3) that the Japanese side's plan has not changed.

According to the Japanese Asahi TV station, Groas, the director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, plans to arrive in Japan on Tuesday, local time, and then meet with the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida, and will submit IAEA about Fukushima Nuclear to Kishida.Handling a survey report for water emissions.Earlier, the IAEA investigation team has conducted many investigations on the issue of Fukushima nuclear treatment of water and sea, and produced a survey report on the safety of nuclear treatment water into the sea.

It is reported that Gronci plans to meet with Kishida on Tuesday afternoon, and then the investigation report will be handed over to Kanada.After evaluating the content of the report, Kishida officially decided to nuclear the date of water discharge.Gronci will also go to Fukushima First Nuclear Power Station on Wednesday (July 5) and plans to exchange opinions with local relevant personnel.