According to media reports, it was said that the one -mined mining in Xinzhou, Shanxi has been hiding multiple mining difficulties for many years. At least 17 miners' death has not been reported. The local official responded that the joint investigation team had undergone an in -depth investigation.

According to the official media China News Weekly reported on Thursday (June 29), the media received a report and found that from 2007 to 2022The county's sincere iron ore concealed many mining difficulties, involving at least 17 miners.Among them, only two months before the collapse accident, at least three miners were concealed.

According to previous reports, on September 1 last year, a sliding accident occurred in Chengxian sincerely mining, causing three people to die. The accident survey was listed and supervised by the Shanxi Provincial Safety Production Commission.

China News Weekly reported that the accident was "almost concealed successfully."It is reported that people familiar with the matter said that if the family members of the death miner do not make trouble, the company will provide a large compensation for the family members of each deceased.

The report also announced the list of concealment and death miners who had been verified by reporters. 16 of them were Shanxi, one was Chongqing, the earliest death time was July 2007, and the latest ones were in 2022.March 8.

After the report was released, the "Xinzhou Daily" WeChat public account issued a local official response on Thursday evening stating that the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee and the County Party Committee and County Government attached great importance to relevant reports and immediately established emergency, public security, etc.The joint investigation team of relevant departments is a member of the member who immediately conducts an in -depth investigation of the relevant situation of the media reports, and the relevant situation will be announced to the society in a timely manner.