When China and the United States have integrated against foreign relations, some public opinion is regarded by some public opinion as a legal basis for China as countermeasures and conducting foreign struggles.However, scholars of interviewees believe that the new law has little effect on the specific foreign strategy reference, and the more important significance is to establish a discourse of "the Communist Party's leadership work" through coda.

On Wednesday (June 28), the Foreign Relations Law was approved by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China, and it will be implemented on July 1.This law has a total of 45 chapters, which expounds the authority of foreign relations in China, the goals and tasks of developing foreign relations, and the system for foreign relations.

Among them, China has strengthened the implementation and application of laws and regulations of foreign -related fields, and took measures in accordance with the law to safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests, and protect Chinese citizens and organizations' legitimate rights and interests.China has the right to take corresponding countermeasures and restrictions on the basic criteria for violating international law and international relations and harming China's sovereignty, security, and development benefits.

Huang Huikang, a special professor of the International Institute of International rule of law in Wuhan University, interpreted to the Chinese official media. The Foreign Relations Law first stated in a legal form that the purpose, conditions, and policy orientation applied to the Chinese government, and the countermeasures and restrictions on foreign countriesMake principle stipulation, establish a corresponding working system and mechanism, and build a basic legal system framework applicable to the Chinese government.

Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, wrote on Thursday (June 29) at the Chinese Official Media People's Daily that the current development of China's development has entered a strategic opportunity and risk challenge coexistence.During the period, we must go up, "dare to fight and be good at struggle", including making good use of the rule of law weapons, and continuously enriching and improving the legal "toolbox" of foreign struggles.

Wang Yi said that this new law provides a legal basis for China's legitimate rights to exercise anti -sanctions and anti -interference in accordance with the law.

However, Wang Jiangyu, a professor at the School of Law School of the City University of Hong Kong, analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that China already had laws such as anti -foreign sanctions law provided a legal basis for countermeasures to adopt countermeasures.On this basis, foreign relations do not have a update or more specific regulations.

The Chinese government shall impose sanctions on the two US military industrial enterprises who sell weapons in Taiwan in February this year based on the anti -foreign sanctions laws issued last year.Purchasing American chip manufacturer Micron's product.

Wang Jiangyu believes that compared with the specific practices, the foreign relations law shows more principles of China's foreign policy, especially the discussion of the official diplomatic ideas of China, and the "party leadership diplomacy".

The fifth of this new law clearly states that China's foreign work adheres to the "centralized and unified leadership" of the Communist Party of China.Article 18 stipulates that China promotes the implementation of global development initiatives, global security initiatives, global civilization initiatives, and promotes a comprehensive, multi -level, broad field, and three -dimensional external work layout.The above three initiatives were proposed by Chinese officials in the past three years.

Wang Yi also pointed out in the article that formulating foreign relations law is "an important measure to strengthen the party's central government's centralized unified leadership."

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Rajerinan International Research Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore, analyzed in an interview that how China developed foreign relations, especially Sino -US relations, mainly depends on how the highest decision -making layer cope with specific affairs and policies.From this perspective, the actual reference of the law is of little significance.

Li Mingjiang added that the substantial impact of the Foreign Relations Law is for the guidance for China to introduce specific regulations in various fields for some time in the future."For example, when China was in foreign aid, it was implemented in accordance with the practice and internal mechanism. In the future, the foreign aid method may be formulated to institutionalize the specific operation."