On June 27, some netizens posted on the social platform that they were raped by a policeman surnamed by Wang Jiang Wang Police Station in Yangzhou in January 2022, and the police were not treated after the police.

The content of the article shows that after the incident, the netizen called the police, and the police conducted a post of twelve hours. During the period, she rejected her request for contact with her family to get a contact with her family.During the transcript, the police had always tried to guide her to have a voluntary relationship, and sent her to the hotel to rest at the end of the transcript.

I will post screenshots.Image source: Social Platform of the Interviewee

On the evening of June 27, the news reporter contacted the netizen, and she said that the situation was consistent with the content written in the article.In addition, the staff of the Yangzhou Public Security Bureau and the Yangzhou Discipline Inspection Commission of the Yangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau have contacted her. "They said that the incident was further trial investigation.

But the netizen said that during the conversation with the staff of Yangzhou Bureau, they refused to admit that the police had rape, but instead believed that she did not have fierce resistance or resistance."I don't recognize this statement at all."

On the morning of the 28th, the netizen once again posted that the police informed her that she had been transferred to the police surnamed Wang, but the case could not be characterized as rape, because the resistance was not intense enough and there was no skin trauma on her body.It is also said that she can make economic compensation.

The tide journalist immediately called the Jiang Wang Police Station of the Yangjiang Branch of the Yangzhou Public Security Bureau to understand the situation.A staff member said that the Yangzhou Public Security Bureau and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection are currently involved in the investigation. The police involved in the incident were transferred away from the Jiang Wang Police Station shortly after the incident.

The reporter also conquered the Yangzhou Public Security Bureau to verify the incident. The staff of the Political Division of the Bureau said that the matter is further verifying the investigation. "At present, I am not very clear about this piece."