After the US Liden aircraft carrier stopped in Vietnam, the Chinese official on Tuesday (June 27) met with Vietnamese Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng, and urged China and Vietnam to work togetherCreate a peaceful and stable external environment; Fan Mingzheng has called for improving the level of cooperation between the two countries in various fields such as economy, trade, investment.

Scholars of interviewed scholars analyzed that on the one hand, Vietnam tried to show to China that they did not fall to the United States, and at the same time, they also highlighted that they had other diplomatic choices outside China.

Fan Mingzheng Sunday (June 25) from to Wednesday launched a formal visit to China.This is Fan Mingzheng's first visit to China after taking office in 2021. It is also the first time that the Vietnamese government prime minister has visited China in seven years.Fan Mingzheng met with Chinese officials and Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Tuesday and Monday on Tuesday and Monday. During the period of China, he also attended the 14th New Year Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Tianjin (the Summer Davos Forum).

On the same day in Fan Mingzheng, the United States Aircraft carrier has stopped for the third time since the Vietnam War of Vietnam to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive partnership between the United States and Vietnam; the release of signals that the US -Vietnam relations approach relations are approaching the relationship between the United States and VietnamEssence

This year is the 15th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Vietnam. According to Xinhua News Agency, when China officially met with Fan Mingzheng, it showed that China regarded Vietnam as a priority direction and a strategic community of destiny.Strategic choice made by the long -term development of national relations.

Chinese officials call on the two countries to firmly support each other's socialist roads that are in line with their national conditions and modernized roads with their own characteristics, and strengthen development strategic docking.

In the context of the intensified risks of China -US decoupling, there are many analysts that Western companies have shifted the industrial chain from China to Vietnam, which has benefited Vietnam indirectly.

Chinese officials say that China is willing to import more Vietnamese products that are suitable for the road, and urge the two countries to jointly oppose the detachable chain, oppose generalization of economic and scientific and technological issues, safeguard international fairness and justice and their own development rights, promote the international internationalThe order is developing in a more fair and reasonable direction, creating a peaceful and stable external environment for the modernization of the two countries.

According to the news released by the Vietnamese Government News Network, Fan Mingzheng said that the continuous development of Vietnam -China relations with long -term stability and goodness is always the strategic choice and first priority of the Vietnamese party and the government.

Fan Mingzheng focuses on economic and trade, calling on the two countries to strengthen high -level and at all levels, and improve the level of cooperation between the two countries in various fields such as economic and trade and investment.He suggested that China accelerates the open market for Vietnamese agricultural products, providing convenience for Vietnam to set up trade promotion agencies in China, and increase Vietnam's commodity limit for China through railway transit China; he also welcomes Chinese companies to increase high -quality investment in Vietnam.

China and Vietnam's friction in the South China Sea for many years have been unreasonable. In May this year, it was reported that Vietnamese and Chinese vessels fell into confrontation in the South China Sea.During Fan Ming's political visits, Chinese officials successively extended olive branches to Vietnam on the South China Sea issue.

Li Qiang said that China is willing to adhere to Vietnam to negotiate and control differences through dialogue, promote pragmatic cooperation at sea, accelerate the negotiations of the South China Sea Code, and avoid taking the situation to complicate and expand the situation.When China Defense Director Li Shangfu met with Pan Wenjiang, a Vietnamese defense director who accompanied Fan Ming's political visit to China on Tuesday, he also called on the two armies to strengthen high -level communication, improve the construction of mechanisms, and deepen pragmatic cooperation.

Luo Minghui, assistant professor of Public Policy and Global Affairs Course of Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Fan Mingzheng's visit to China and Riden Vietnam arranged a double strategic intention; on the one hand, Vietnam stated to China that they still hope to keepFriendly relationships did not suddenly fall to the United States; at the same time, they also showed that they had other diplomatic choices.

As for how Vietnam will balance Vietnam on the issue of decoupling between China and the United States, Zhu Feng, Dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, believes that Vietnam is unable to replace China's supply chain status in the short term.Products are also an important part of Vietnam's supply chain; therefore Vietnam will further strengthen cooperation with China in the economic and trade field.