Chinese media reports that the Chinese e -commerce giant JD Group will integrate multiple businesses, establish the Ministry of Innovation and Retail, in -depth retail offline business layout, and explore innovative models.

Surging News Monday (June 26) from insiders from learned that JD Group will integrate Qixiang, fight and other businesses and establish an innovative retail department.This business will go deep into the offline business layout and explore the innovation model.Yan Xiaobing, who was previously responsible for JD International, served as the person in charge and reported to the CEO of Jingdong Group.

JD Logistics Announcement on Monday, the company's board of directors announced that Yu Rui has resigned as executive directors, CEOs and authorized representatives due to personal physical reasons.Effective.

Data show that the new CEO of Jingdong Logistics Hu Wei is 40 years old and is responsible for the company's overall strategic planning and business direction.Hu Wei joined JD Group in January 2010, as director of the Human Resources Department of JD Logistics from January 2010 to April 2015, from May 2015 to November 2017 as the general manager of the Southwest region of JD Logistics. From December 2017 toIn March 2019, he served as the general manager of JD Logistics North China, and from April 2019 to June 2023, he served as CEO of Jingdong Smart Production Development Co., Ltd.

Yu Rui, CEO of Jingdong Logistics 41 years old, joined JD Group in July 2008.On December 30, 2020, JD Group issued an announcement saying that Wang Zhenhui, the original CEO of JD Logistics, resigned due to personal reasons. Former chief human resources official Yu Rui took over as Jingdong Logistics CEO.

Yan Xiaobing, CEO of the New Innovation and Retail Department, joined the JD Group in 2012. After serving as the head of the 3C home appliance retail business group, it led the acquisition of five -star appliances to create a line of JD appliances, and other lines.The store model has been conducting the "618" home appliance war in Jingdong for many years, and realized the number one home appliance retail share in in 2019.

After Hu Wei serves as the CEO of Jingdong Logistics, Jingdong Smart Production Development CEO will be taken over by Cao Dong.It is understood that Cao Dong has been joining JD for more than 11 years, and was previously well known as Jingdong Health CFO.Earlier, Cao Dong had served as the head of the audit department of JD Group, the person in charge of the financial settlement center, and the person in charge of the budget and analysis department.Cao Dong is also responsible for the fund financing project of

Earlier, JD Group sent a letter to the company's employees in the middle of this month and proposed that the next 20 years plans.Listed companies of S $ 18.8 billion).