The topic of sneak shot by the uncle's subway for the uncle's uncle's subway still did not calm down for several days.

Things originated from a woman on June 7 suspected of being sneaked on the Guangzhou Metro, asking to view the other party's mobile phone.After the other party took out her mobile phone to prove her innocence, the woman still posted a Weibo, saying that she had encountered a "wretched man" and posted the man's photos and videos on the Internet.

She told the "rights protection" on the subway on Weibo, and said that the man was "insignificant old man", "skillful movement" and "not the first crime", and received some support, but more netizensIt is questioned, why is it exposed since it was not being photographed?

Shortly afterwards, the woman deleted the blog post, but the video had spread.After the uncle's son, Mr. Deng, found his father's photos on the Internet, he called the police on Sunday (June 11) at the police station in the Lujiang Station in Guangzhou and asked the woman to apologize.The woman apologized to the man's family and publicly issued an apology on Weibo in the evening, and said that she had deeply realized the harm that the incident brought to the parties.

Mr. Deng said, "She is a famous student, just apologize publicly, and I don't want to affect her too much."

The parties choose to forgive, but Chinese netizens are not ready to forgive.The netizen first turned the bottom of her personal information and found her "Communist Party member". She reported her to the Communist Party of China Discipline Inspection Commission and posted a screenshot of the reported.At present, the woman studying in Sichuan University stated that she was cooperating with the police investigation, and her internship company Tencent was suspected to have lifted her internship contract with her under the pressure of public opinion.The topic appeared again on Tuesday (June 13).

Zhihu, netizens have uploaded a screenshot of the uncle of the subway uncle of the Metro from the website of the China Commission for Discipline Inspection.(Internet)

Where does the overwhelming anger come from?

Combing officers can find that Chinese netizens' anger for this girl is superimposed layer by layer with the incident and personal information.

The first layer was to render and slander the unwavering incidents that had not happened at first.

The second floor is the female student Zeng Yizi refused to apologize, saying that she was "a graduate student" and did not need netizens to educate her.It wasn't until the uncle's family called the police and netizens reported her behavior to the school and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Ministry of Education that she "softened" and changed at 180 degrees.Netizens believe that disobedience apology is unacceptable.

The third floor is everyone found that the "insignificant old man" described in her Weibo that she described in her Weibo is actually a 56 -year -old this year."Migrant workers.She herself is a graduate student at the School of Journalism of Sichuan University in Henan University. She often absent from school, but she still serves as a student cadre. She has 80,000 fans on Douyin and is still an intern at a large factory like Tencent.

Netizens believe that this bright lady is not the weak compared to the old man who is loyal and unknown to his mobile phone.Some netizens commented: "Where is this right to defend rights? It is clearly a high -profileist who is high, bullying an honest person who has nothing."

Chinese netizen movies to let bullets fly, with the dialogue between girls involved and uncle subway, spread on Weibo extensively.The girl was initially published on Weibo on June 7. "Can we not defend their rights without damage?", Was ironic by netizens.(Internet)

Netizens reported on the website of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the Ministry of Education to report her to investigate how she was "guaranteed to be sent to graduate students".Someone shouted: "People who rely on subjectively to make broadcast are still at the School of News, and work to work in the media." "It should be expelled as soon as possible!"

Netizens found a series of personal information about girls involved through breaking news and information retrieval.The picture is suspected to be delivered by her alma mater Henan University.(Internet)

Official media appeals to calm, handle according to laws and regulations

On the one hand, netizens have called for strengthening administrative penalties, and on the other side, the media and legal circles call for calmness and deal with it in accordance with laws and regulations.

Attorney Zhang Yonghui, a lawyer of Zhejiang Hansing Law Firm, believes that it is not a crime of crime of false accusation, which is a civil infringement liability, that is, infringing the reputation of the uncle.According to the people's codes, infringement should be stopped, impact, apology, and compensation for losses.At present, the female college student has deleted videos and publicly apologized. If the other party does not pursue economic compensation, girls do not need to bear more punishments.

Former media person Hu Xijin also posted a Weibo saying that to give young people a chance to correct the wrong opportunity, "what responsibility should be on law should be ruled in accordance with the law."

China ’s official media CCTV News report also said through multiple lawyers, saying that there is a way to solve the way to solve the way.

One of the lawyers said that if the legal interests in public are violated, the staff of the places should first find the situation to report the situation, let the third parties access to investigate, collect and save evidence, and then choose to prosecute, or report the case, or report the case.Essence

Where does the exposure instinct come from?

But there are many examples of asking relevant staff for help or judging in the case of exposure.

This method is sometimes very useful.On Tuesday's Weibo hot search, there were two other cases related to "sneak shot".One of them is a girl who is suspected of being harassed and sneaky by a classmate at Hangzhou Normal University. After asking the instructor for help, the family members of the girls put the chat record with the mentor to prove that the female classmate has been harassed by her classmates for a long time.

The "rat head duck neck" incident last week was precisely when a netizen discovered "unknown objects" and caused controversy after sending the Internet, only the next public supervision and investigation.

In these cases, people rely on the power of the public to ask themselves.This public power also contains components that allow public trials.

In all fairness, from the media era, it will be normal to go online, which is normal.But for a long time, Chinese society has formed an instinct to be exposed when it encounters unevenness, including exposure without verification.This may in turn constitute a psychology: as long as it is exposed, it is uneven.

In the Internet era, individuals who can speak on social media seem to have the power to judge others.

But in fact, to maintain public justice, only exposure is not enough, and public trials are not the best referee.What needs even more is to have a clear and professional verification of the facts itself, so that you can find the realThe tug of like right and wrong, and pushes the situation from the "public -speaking publicity, the mother -in -law is reasonable" to push to the stage of solving the problem.These verifications require a fair and professional department to complete, and the police and authoritative departments should be the role of the method.Of course, the prerequisite for their intervention is public trust and can be reached.

A netizen commented on a Weibo that defines sneak shots.(Internet)

The girls involved in the incident of this false accused were studying at the School of Journalism. Her first reaction was to use the power of heavy media and public opinion.The public tried the public trial of Uncle Deng, and eventually he became a victim of online public trials.

She should be unexpected.This shows that the wind of online public trials should not be long, and everyone should be vigilant.And if the professional functional departments and public power make people more confident, it will not be often absent; let the "big noise solution, small noise, small solution, no trouble and no solution" gradually become a past, and society will be civilized.