Secretary of the Chairman of the Chinese home appliance giant Gree Electric ApplianceMeng Yuedong's resignation of Gree has made new progress.Gree's internal employees broke out that Meng Yuchong was not resigned, but was "fired" for violating corporate discipline.

Meng Yuchong, who had been under the aura of "Dong Mingzhu's successor", reported his resignation last week to obtain the old Dongjia Gree's response to confirm that Gree said that "the movement is normal".It also posted a Weibo saying that the next stage intended to continue reading, and humbled, "No Gree and President Dong, they are nothing."

The "breakup" that originally thought it was "one different or two wide, each student was happy", but as the news of Meng Yutong was expelled, it evolved into a winning or losingSaw war.Meng Yuchong and Gree's multiple related entries have occupied the Weibo hot search list on Wednesday (May 17).

The Shanghai Securities News quoted Gree's internal employees on Wednesday that Meng Yutong was expelled by the company because "often absent from work", "receiving private work", "working hours," and "rarely seen in the office in the office."She" in the abnormal rate of attendance is 80%or more. "

Reporting pointed out that since March last year, Meng Yuchong has released nearly 20 creative advertising videos one after another.All have nothing to do with Gree.


A Gree Cultural Media Center attendance report from the Internet shows that Meng Yutong has not punch cards in March this year, did not take leave for 12 times, and was notified of the processing after the attendance abnormal attendance., Still not dealt with timely (specified within three days).

For the news of Meng Yu's fired, Gree gave an official response on the same day: Thanks to netizens for their care!I wish Meng Yuchong and the majority of netizens all good!

From the somewhat response of no rumors, salty or indifferent response, it can be seen that "firing" should not be groundless.

Unwilling to be the second Dong Mingzhu?

In 2021, Meng Yutong, who graduated from the famous university, was appreciated by Dong Mingzhu in our variety show in the first place in the workplace."Dong Mingzhu's successor".

Dong Mingzhu said in an interview at the time that he should dare to suffer, dare to challenge himself, and refuse to lose.She praised Meng Yu Tong itself to have this spirit in it, hoping to cultivate this spirit for several years, "maybe she can really pick up my position one day."

Dong Mingzhu also said in an interview program in last year that she saw a lot of things similar to her in Meng Yuchong.

Dong Mingzhu said, she was inMeng Yutong saw a lot of things similar to her bones.(Video interception)

But Meng Yuchong does not seem to think so.She said in the same program: "No one can become the second Dong Mingzhu. Her success cannot be copied, and there is no set of methodology."

The aura of "Dong Mingzhu's successor" also made the outside world speculate that she had a million -year salary (RMB, the same, the same, 19,000 S $ 1900) in Gree.The level of college employees is the same, "basically in the range of 5,000 to 10,000 yuan."

At the same time, she also revealed that her work needs to follow Dong Mingzhu's daily itinerary and foreign reception, including the preparation room, writing of the journal, and an outline of communication.Meeting, live and video shooting.

One month before leaving, Meng Yutong complained on his personal Weibo one after another: "There is no complete rest on the weekend for two months" and "work for 21 hours to check in."These two Weibo are currently deleted.

Meng Yutong last month in his personal person.On Weibo, complaining about work intensity.(Internet)

Also deleted is a Weibo released by her on the 9th of this month: "My life creed: relying on others will never rely on myself", which also aroused external suspicion. Then Meng YuTong quickly explained that "it just happened, and he didn't say what the company meant."

Although I do n’t know when Meng Yutong decided to be improper “Dong Mingzhu”, it can be seen that with the blessing of Dong Mingzhu, it can easily cause market association and concern.She also brought a lot of traffic to herself.

The number of fans of Meng Yuchong Xiaohongshu currently exceed 1.2 million, and the number of vibrato fans exceeds 2 million.The number of fans is 2.55 million, and the difference between the two is not much.

Gree's hatching IP flew

Gree, which encountered bottlenecks in the growth space, has been seeking new high growth points in recent years.Gree, who had previously sold the goods offline, was broadcast live by Dong Mingzhu himself in 2020, and achieved a good record on the first show.Dong Mingzhu, who tasted the sweetness, then began "live broadcast and bring the normally".

In addition to trying to open the online sales channels, Gree also realizes emerging small appliances or new growth points that meet the appetite of young people.And to make Meng Yuchong, who is only 22 years old, collected, and Yan Yan, has become a "net celebrity", which has become a good point for Gree's younger and personalized e -commerce transformation.

Meng Yutong, who was worthy of his body, was made into a "net red" by Gree.(Internet)

On November 3, 2021, Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong conducted a live show in the official live broadcast room of Gree Electric.Sales are about 620,000 yuan.After that, Gree Electric registered the Douyin account "Pearl Bad Children's Selection", and the avatar took a photo of the two.

However, as Meng Yu's results were weak in the live broadcast room, her figure gradually faded.In August last year, the Douyin of the "Pearl Batters" changed his avatar and turned into a single photo of Dong Mingzhu.

The poor performance of Meng Yutong in Gree's live broadcast room did not affect her personal IP influence. According to a data on the Internet, Meng Yutong's personal advertising price in Xiaohongshu can reach200,000 yuan.

当当网创始人李国庆上星期四(5月11日)谈及孟羽童辞职一事时也说,在职期间肯定有MCN(多频道网络)机构找孟羽童签约,以孟The current IP signing fee of Tongtong is 4 million yuan, and it may also become 20 million yuan in the future.

Li Guoqing also said, "The life plan of young people or the workplace plan is sometimes the wishful wish of the boss", describing Dong Mingzhu as Meng Yu's childAfter the implication, Gree's incubation of Meng Yutong's Internet celebrity IP successfully flew away with her own traffic.

Meng Yu's phenomenon is the high version of "young people unwilling to go to the factory"?

Can Meng Yutong take a personal IP fly and can fly far and still have controversy, on the other hand, there are also Weibo Da V pointed out that the Gree attendance report circulated on the Internet shows that Gree is typicalIn the industrial era, the "sectors" and "hiring labor", "car assembly lines 100 years ago" conflicts with the innovative model of the Internet economy.

In other words, under the traditional manufacturing management model of Gree, Meng Yuchong is essentially a "female worker" on the assembly line, which is not only inconsistent with her expectations that she was originally made into a head net celebrity.In this job, the characteristics of loss of freedom, depression, 24 -hour standby, and no details must be dealt with.

The unemployment rate of young people in China has continued to rise. In April, data showed that the unemployment rate of young people aged 16 to 24 rose to 20.4%, which exceeded 20%for the first time.Facing workers all year round.

Facing workers all year round.The picture shows a digital factory in Zhejiang.(Xinhua News Agency)

"Young people are unwilling to go to the factory" have become a hot topic in recent years. A survey shows that 83%of China's manufacturing companies have different degrees of lack of people.1.5 million people left the manufacturing industry.

In contrast to this, more and more young people have poured into the live e -commerce industry.According to the report of Zhilian's 2021 live broadcast industry talent report, a total of 1.6 million people in China ’s live broadcast workers in 2021, of which nearly 90 % were between 16 and 34 years old.

Today, young people who are born in rural areas and academic qualifications are preferring to engage in e -commerce -related takeaway and courier industries, and do not go to traditional factories with strict discipline.People obediently check in?

As a leading Chinese home appliance, Dong Mingzhu did not realize that Gree needs to get out of the traditional manufacturing business model.Therefore, she personally participated in variety records, and supported Meng Yuchong to create an IP, but from the end of the ending, this path of transformation was not so easy.This is not only the predicament of Gree, but also the general dilemma of China's manufacturing industry.