The WeChat public account of the Beijing Culture and Tourism Bureau announced on May 17. The Beijing Culture and Tourism Bureau resolutely investigated and punished the company and individuals involved in the case involved in the case in accordance with laws and regulations.

The following is the full text:

On May 15, 2023, the Beijing Cultural Market Comprehensive Law Enforcement Corps received a report from the masses and decided to investigate Shanghai Xiaosheng Culture Media Co., Ltd. according to law.After investigation, The company and his actor Li Haoshi tampered with the performance of the performance declaration. In the afternoon of May 13th and the evening, the plot of serious insults of the people's army appeared in the two consecutive "laugh fruit talk shows" performance, causing bad social impact.

The company's behavior violates Article 25 and Article 26 of the Regulations on the Management of Business Performance.According to Article 46 of the Business Performance Management Regulations, the Beijing Cultural Market Comprehensive Law Enforcement Corps has decided to impose corresponding administrative penalties on the company: Alert, confiscated illegal income of 1325381.6 yuan, and fines of 13353816 yuan.The relevant violations of the personnel involved in the case and its performance agencies and the operating units operated by the performance field will be further held accountable in accordance with laws and regulations.The Beijing Cultural and Tourism Bureau decided to suspend all the performances involved in the company in Beijing indefinitely.

The people's army is a strong guardian who guards national security and guards the people's peace. We will never allow any company or individual to want to slander the glorious image of the people's army on the capital stage.It is not allowed to entertain serious themes.We will adhere to strengthening supervision and strict law enforcement, and resolutely resist acts that only seek "laughing fruit" regardless of the consequences and only talk about economic income and do not talk about social responsibility.It is hoped that the majority of literary and art workers will abide by laws and regulations, make correction of ideas, strengthen moral cultivation, consciously talk about taste, style, and responsibility, and provide nutritious spiritual food for the people.

Beijing Culture and Tourism Bureau

May 17, 2023