The latest data released by China show that the overall increase in sales prices in 70 large and medium -sized cities have fallen from the previous month, while second -hand housing increased from the previous month.

China National Bureau of Statistics on Wednesday (May 17) announced on the official website on the official website that the sales price of 70 large and medium -sized cities in April was changed.

According to the surging news report, the data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China show that the sales prices of newly -built commercial housing and second -hand residential houses have risen 62 and 36, respectively.Reduce two and 21, and the number of second -hand houses is reduced.The sales prices of newly -built commercial housing and second -hand housing rose 22 and nine in cities year -on -year, which were four and one more than last month.

From the perspective of the new house, in April, the sales price of new commercial housing in first -tier cities rose 0.4%month -on -month, and the increase was 0.1 percentage points slightly over the previous month.Among them, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen rose 0.6%, 0.4%, 0.2%, and 0.3%month -on -month. The sales prices of new commercial housing in second- and third -tier cities rose 0.4%and 0.2%respectively, and the increase fell 0.2 and the previous month, respectively.0.1 percentage points.

From the perspective of second -hand houses, the overall increase in the overall increase is even more obvious.In April, the sales price of second -hand housing in first -tier cities rose 0.2%month -on -month, and the increase fell 0.3 percentage points from the previous month.Among them, Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen rose 0.1%, 0.3%, and 0.5%respectively, and Shanghai rose from 0.7%to 0.2%last month; the sales prices of second -hand housing in second -tier and third -tier cities rose from the previous month to the same month.

In addition, the sales price of newly -built commercial housing in first -tier cities rose 2.0%year -on -year, an increase of 0.3 percentage points from the previous month; the sales price of second -hand houses rose 0.9%year -on -year, and the increase fell 0.2 percentage points from the previous month.EssenceThe sales price of new commercial housing in second -tier cities decreased from 0.2%to 0.2%year -on -year; the sales price of second -hand residential houses decreased by 2.2%year -on -year, a narrowing of 0.2 percentage points from the previous month.The sales prices of new commercial housing and second -hand housing in third -tier cities decreased by 1.9%and 3.6%year -on -year, respectively, which narrowed 0.8 and 0.3 percentage points compared with the previous month.