A pair of Chinese couples died at the Bali Island Hotel, Indonesia earlier this month. The Indonesian police said that after investigation, the entire case was that the man first killed the woman and committed suicide.

According to the interface news, a number of Indonesian media reported on Wednesday (May 17), Indonesia's Dengba Barcelona Police said on Wednesday on Wednesday on the victims of Chinese tourists Bali Island.The conclusion was that the incident involved murder and suicide. Li (the man) first killed Cheng (the woman), and then committed suicide with a broken beer bottle stabbing the neck and other parts.

Bambang Yugo Pamungkas, the director of the Barcelona Police Department, said the two had a dispute, the reason is unclear.

Comprehensive Southern Metropolis Daily and Indonesia's Indonesia Posts English reported earlier this month that two Chinese residents (one man and one woman) died on the 1st of this month on the 1st of this month.On the morning of the incident, the male dead was all blood and was found lying on the terrace of the hotel corridor, and the female deceased was lying in the room bathroom.Both corpses are naked.

Forensic doctors revealed that there are open wounds on the left and right sides of the male dead body, about 11 cm long, and there are also wounds on the back.There are many entangled wounds on the neck of the female dead.