A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in South Korea called on the international community to be alert to the Seventh Kingdoms Group (G7) to destroy international order, provoking camp confrontation, and seriously damaging the peace, stability, unity and development of the international community.

According to the news released by the WeChat account of the Chinese Embassy in Korea on Wednesday (May 17), the G7 summit will be held in Hiroshima, Japan from May 19th to 21st.The problem of speculation in Taiwan, etc. At the G7 Foreign Minister's meeting, a joint statement also issued a joint statement mentioned in China. A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in South Korea responded that the things in the world today should be discussed together.master.Speaking of international rules, the vast majority of countries agree that there is only one set of rules in the world, that is, the international system based on the United Nations as the core and international law based on international law.

A spokesman said that the G7, as a "rich club", can only represent seven countries, which can not represent the major developing countries, let alone the international community.Holding your own set of rules, based on ideology and values as a cover, advocate the "detachable chain", build a "small courtyard wall", create a "small circle" that exclude a specific country, and even want to interfere with the domestic affairs.Acting against the trend of history will destroy international order, provoke camp confrontation, and seriously damage the peace, stability, unity and development of the international community.

For sources, the G7 summit will discuss issues related to China, including Taiwan, this G7 summit.The spokesman said that the move aims to interfere with China's internal affairs and discredit pressure on China, and China has resolutely opposed it.Some countries should first reflect on what they do instead of blame other countries.

The spokesman pointed out that over the years, the United States has waved diplomatic pressure, economic coercion, military interference sticks, and violently invading Afghan, Iraq, Syria and other weak countries, causing tens of millions of innocent civilians to be killed or reduced to become reduced to become reduced or reduced to become reduced.refugee.The United States is still in the world that there is no difference in eavesdropping and stealing, and even its own allies will not let go.Some of Japan's domestic forces ignore the serious pain caused by neighboring Asian countries such as China and South Korea, and strive to beautify the history of militaryist aggression.Now that the Japanese side is generally opposed by neighboring countries and the international community, it is forcibly promoted to the Fukushima nuclear pollution water discharge plan.In sharp contrast, China has been practicing real multilateralism, actively promoting global governance to develop in a more fair and reasonable direction, and make unremitting efforts to promote world peace and stability and development and prosperity, build a community of human destiny.

The spokesman said that China urged the G7 to follow the general trend of openness and tolerance, abandon the Cold War thinking and ideological prejudice, and do not contrary to the trend of the world and the times., Stopping the opposition and division of the people's manufacturing international community, doing more things that are conducive to the world and development.

The spokesman also said, in addition, during this G7 summit, the G7 countries will also hold an enlarged meeting with relevant countries.It is hoped that the country will adhere to the objective and fair position, respect China's core interests, and make positive efforts to maintain the peaceful development and prosperity of the region and the world.