The National Development and Reform Commission of China believes that with the continuous performance of the expansion of domestic demand policies, and consumer demand has further recovered, China's price operation is expected to gradually recover to nearby the average level in recent years.

According to the China News Agency, the spokesperson for the Development and Reform Commission Meng Wei said at the press conference on Wednesday (May 17) that the recent increase in prices in China has fallen, mainly input, periodic, seasonal, seasonality, seasonality, seasonality, and seasonal natureThe result of multiple factors superimposed.Especially affected by the high base of the same period last year, the price of some commodities fell a lot year year -on -year, and the price index was lowered from the data.

She emphasized that this operation trend is staged and temporary.From the perspective of the price itself, the price of some commodities was higher in the same period last year, and this year fell more. In addition, some industries reduced prices and promotions, which objectively affected the price increase.

Meng Wei also further said that the decline in the consumer price index (CPI) and industrial producers' factory price index (PPI) is the main factor for lowering the price.In addition, China's current demand has recovered rapidly, the overall economic recovery is better, and the active factors of economic operations reflected in prices are increasing.

Meng Wei said that the decline in China's CPI in April has narrowed for two consecutive months, and the increase in service prices has expanded for two consecutive months, which reflects the steady recovery of domestic demand, especially service demand.