The first batch of Philippine durians arrived at Nanning Airport in Guangxi.The Philippines is the third country that has been imported in China after Thailand and Vietnam.

According to China News Agency, Guangxi Civil Aviation Industry Development Co., Ltd. said on Saturday (April 8) that 18 tons of Philippine durian recently took Tianjin Freight Airlines HT3834The Philippine durian entered China for the first time.

The China Customs General Administration issued an announcement on January 7, allowing the Philippine Fresh Durian imports to meet relevant requirements.The Philippines has become the third country that has been imported in China after Thailand and Vietnam.

In the field of agricultural products, the Philippines has become China's largest source of bananas and pineapple imports, and China is the third largest export market for agricultural products in the Philippines.

Guangxi Civil Aviation Industry Development Co., Ltd. introduced that since the designated port of Nanning Airport's entry fruit in May last year was officially opened, fresh fruits such as durian, mangosteen, lotus fog, coconuts, etc.Enter Chinese market.