China Network Giants Baidu Co., Ltd. issued a fake statement, saying that the Baidu language model generating artificial intelligence product Wenxin said that there is no official app at present.

Baidu AI WeChat public account issued a statement on Friday (April 7) saying that there is no official app at the moment of Wenxin.The "Wenxin Yi" app is fake. Anyone who claims to have "Wen Xin Yiyuan Source Code" is a liar.

The statement also said that the company has issued a lawsuit against the team of Apple and related developers in the Beijing Haidian District People's Court.

U.S. Artificial Intelligence Research Company OPENAI launched the artificial intelligence chat robot ChatGPT last November. It caused a sensation. Many Chinese technology giants then joined this global software development competition, including Alibaba,, Netease and other companies.The average statement has developed or planned to develop related products similar to ChatGPT.

Baidu is the first company to launch the ChatGPT product. Baidu Guan Wei released a news on the 20th of last month that Wen Xinyun served the launch on March 27.