Researchers of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also refute the recent research conclusions related to the origin of coronary diseases and wildlife 貉 by international virus experts, describing the speculation as "suspicious neighbor ax".

The World Health Organization requires China to disclose more information about the origin of crown diseases and call on Chinese officials to hold a press conference on Saturday (April 8th), and urges WTO to return to scientific and fair stance. Do not become individuals.The state has the tools of retrospection of crown disease.

Researchers of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also refute the research conclusions related to wildlife -related research on the origin of crown diseases recently obtained by international virus experts, describing the speculation as "suspicious neighbor ax".

The crown disease was first discovered in the South China Seafood Market in Wuhan, China in December 2019. It caused nearly 7 million people to die in the world's global popularity.Although the global epidemic has entered the era of epidemic, the origin of coronal virus is still a mystery.

The Director -General of the WHO Tan Desai was asked when asked about the origin of crown disease on Thursday (April 6) that if the information of China could not be fully obtained, all the assumptions were still on the desktop.

"This is the position of the WHO, so we have been seeking Chinese cooperation in this regard ... If they are willing to do so, we will know what happened, or how it starts."

Chinese response: No samples and detection and analysis results of any cases

Shen Hongbing, deputy director of the National CDC and director of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, responded and emphasized at the conference held on Saturday that in the joint traceability of the WHO and Chinese experts, China provided China that provided the at that time.All traceability related information, "No cases, samples, and detection and analysis results were concealed."

He questioned the point of view by individual World Guard officials and experts to make the retrospective of the crown disease.Shen Hongbing did not name, "We advise the World Health Organization to return to a scientific and fair position.

At the end of January this year, researchers of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the global sharing of influenza data initiative (GISAID) databases, uploading a set of data collected in the early stages of crown diseases, including the collection in the South China Seafood Market in January 2020, 2020The gene sequence found in more than 1,000 environments and animal samples.

This set of data is to provide support for researchers to prepare papers published in natural magazines.At the beginning of March, international scientists noticed this set of data and started research, and found that there are various animals in the samples of deoxyrocytic acid of various animals, and they are the conclusion that they are the "most likely transmission channels" of crown disease.

This is considered to prove that the coronary virus is transmitted to humans, not the most powerful evidence from the laboratory.Some scientists have also disappointed this set of valuable data after three years in China.

The WHO Corporation Corresponding Technical Director Maria Van Kerkhove wrote in a comment published by Scientific Magazine on Thursday that WHO learned last month that Chinese scientists held in January 2020 and inThe virus sample collected by Wuhan should be shared with the global research community, instead of waiting for three years."Insufficient data leakage is unforgivable."

She wrote that WHO continued to call on China and all countries to share all data about the origin of crown diseases.

In response, Shen Hongbing responded that China does not have intention to delay or delay the release of data. After the release of the dissertation of China ’s illness and control researchers has been released simultaneously.

Tong Yigang, the dean of the School of Life of Beijing University of Chemical Engineering, also refuted at the same conference on Saturday. From the above data, the conclusion that the coronary virus was transmitted by animals was not rigorous and unscientific.Essence

Tong Yigang said that these data are far from enough to prove that 貉 is the source of the virus. "This disease has many people infected in the South China seafood market. It is possible that people are polluted by the environment or people infected with people."

After the outbreak of the crown disease, the virus traceability has been very controversial.The US Department of Energy concluded in February this year that the virus was the most likely to accidentally leak from the Chinese laboratory.However, China has always denied the possibility of the laboratory leak.

Zhou Lei, a researcher at the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also called on Saturday to allow traceability to study the possible countries and regions.She said, "the foundation of the epidemic does not mean the origin of the epidemic" and "don't keep hype and pay attention to Wuhan."