German media said that unlike the French President Macron's visit to China, the European Commission Chairman Feng Delin seems to have been cold in China.

According to the Voice of Germany reported on April 8, the Chinese itinerary of Macron and Feng Delin had ended on April 7.The official Chinese media praised Macron's visit to China, but rarely mentioned Feng Delin.Macron was solemn when he arrived in Beijing for a special plane, while Feng Delin visited China by civil aviation flight and used ordinary passenger channels at the airport.

In addition, on Weibo, Zhihu and other Chinese social platforms, many Chinese netizens mocked Feng Delin.EU 'naked official' ".However, by the Voice of Germany, only two of the seven children of Feng Delin joined the United States, and the remaining five and her husband were still German.She also confirmed this to the media before the German Defense Minister was transferred to the Chairman of the European Commission in 2019.

The Voice of Germany reports that Feng Delin's cold encounter in China is likely to be related to her recent remarks.At the end of March, she delivered a speech at a think tank saying that Europe should not be decoupled with China, but she should be "separated from Chinese risks" as much as possible.Feng Delin believes that Sino -Russian relations have become the "decisive factor" of European -China relations.She also said that China has changed, "more oppressive in China, more confident in foreign countries," and Beijing's goal is "centered on China as the systemic change in international order."

After talking to Xi Jinping on April 6, Feng Delin also publicly stated to the outside world that "I hope China will not directly or indirectly provide any military equipment to Russia because we all know to provide invaders with providing invaders withThe armed forces will violate international law and will seriously damage European -China relations. "She also warned Beijing not to unilaterally use force or threatening to use force to change the current situation of the Taiwan Strait.

According to the German Planning News Agency, several EU diplomats who did not want to name in China believe that Beijing is trying to leave Europe and the United States, but Feng Delin firmly believes that there are decades of trust and foundation and the foundation and foundation and the basis of the Atlantic Ocean.Deep friendship.In addition, Macron's task of visiting China and vonrenes is also different. The former pursues the interests of France, while the latter seeks to formulate a common strategy for China for the EU.The risk is very worried.