(Beijing / Shanghai Comprehensive News) Chinese search engine giant Baidu has initiated a lawsuit on Apple and the so -called "Wenxinyi" application software developers in Apple App Store, because these "texts and words" applicationsThe software is all counterfeit.

"Wen Xin Yi Yan" is a chat robot product released by Baidu in March. It is known as the ChatGPT, which is known as the global and developed by the United States.

Baidu: Wen Xin said without any official app

Comprehensive Reuters and Daily Economic News reported that Baidu issued a statement through the "Baidu AI" WeChat public account on Friday (April 7), pointing out that there is no official APP (application software) at the current saying.

The statement emphasized that before the company's official announcement, all the "Wenxin words" apps seen in the Apple App Store App Store and various app stores are fake;Members are liar; all those who sell "Wen Xin Yi's internal beta" are scammers; all those who claim to have "a source of text" are scammers.

The statement said that the company had initiated a lawsuit against the team of Apple and related developers in the People's Court of Haidian District, Beijing, and attached a photo of a court lawsuit.

Apple did not immediately respond to Reuters' comment requests.However, after searching on Saturday (April 8th), Reuters found that at least four applications called "Wenxin" in the Apple App Store.

Daily Economic News downloaded three "texts and one words" apps one by one. They all need to buy members one or two times after asking questions, otherwise they cannot continue to ask questions.

Every time I ask "who are you" and "What is your relationship with Baidu", one of which replied "I am ChatGPT-4, which is based on a large language model based on the GPT-4 training." "I and I and I and I and I and I and I and I and I and I and I and I and I and IBaidu has no direct relationship. I am a large language model developed by OPENAI. It can answer various questions and provide suggestions, but I have not directly cooperated with any search engine or company. "

Another answer: "I am a smart robot based on the common strength of ChatGPT-4 and Wen Xin's words. The name is determined by the team that creates me. You can name me at will." "I amAn independent robot has nothing to do with Baidu. However, I am composed of the semantic model developed by Openai and the words of Wenxin. These technologies may be used in some products or services of Baidu.It does not have any relationship with Baidu. "

Every time after testing the drawing function of this application, the picture it gives "car water horse" is more accurate than the picture given before the genuine "text".

The last "Wen Xin Yiyi" said "I am a artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI" "I have something to do with Baidu because I developed on Baidu and run on Baidu's smart dialogue platform"

The first two apps did not mention the name of the team behind the user agreement and privacy policy, and the third APP was provided by the "Respeito LTD" in the privacy policy.