Early early early early time of the China Centers and Control Center of China CDCThe research data and international experts ask questions about why the reasons for different results. Tong Yigang, dean of the School of Life of the University of Chemical Technology, said that some experts pay attention to the individual animal genes in the sample and suspect that these animals have passed the virus to the people in the market.However, the data so far did not show this sign, and the results of the Chinese experiments did not support the animals in the South China Seafood market.

Tong Yigang, dean of the School of Life of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, answered the above response at the Corporation Trace Staff Research Conference held at the Crown Disease Traceability Research on Saturday (April 8th) at the New National Office.

He said that for these uploaded data, different methods, software, and parameter analysis can be used to obtain different results.However, the results of the DNA barcode analysis in the data found that the most information among these sample host information in the environment is the person's information. The human gene is the highest. It is prompted that the virus in the South China Seafood market environment is likely to be from the early patients.Essence

He also said, in addition, the analysis of the DNA barcode also shows that there are many species such as pigs, cattle, chickens, and ducks in the market before the closure of the South China seafood market.Some experts pay attention to the individual animal genes in the sample and suspect that these animals have passed the virus to the people in the market, but these data so far show that there are no signs of virus infection in the market.Therefore, these speculations are actually unscientific. "Our experimental result is that animals that do not support the South China Seafood market are the source of the coronary virus."

Tong Yigang said, in addition, because the collection time of environmental samples was in January, it was later than the time of early cases.Therefore, even if there is an animal infection in the South China Seafood market, it is possible that this animal is infected, not an animal infection.Therefore, "we believe that the so -called market animals are lacking scientific basis, but some subjective judgments."