For WHO officials, the Chinese government's release of coronary data has not been publicly and transparent, which has affected the global traceability research. Officials of China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that China ’s joint traceability research in the first stage wasIn the process, fully share the research results and data without any concealment.

Zhou Lei, a researcher at the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, answered questions at the Standardous Research Conference organized by the Crown Diseases organized by the New National Office on Saturday (April 8).Chinese scientists, she personally felt surprised by this question.

She emphasized that during the combined traceability research process in Wuhan at that time, Chinese scientists shared all the data and information of all mastered, including early cases, including scientific, open, objective, and transparent working principles, including early cases, including early cases.The information, and more than 76,000 cases of cases of more than 76,000 people infected with the possible and suspicious coronary virus infection in Wuhan's early respiratory tract infectious diseases at that time, all shared and in -depth joint analysis and research.Essence

Zhou Lei revealed that at the time, more than 38,000 poultry and livestock samples and more than 41,000 wildlife samples collected from 2018 to 2020 were performed by 2018 to 2020.Virus positive.China also traced a traceability investigation on the upstream and downstream supply chain of all animal products in the South China Seafood market at that time, and no evidence of the virus spread in animals was not found.The results of these studies were shared with the international expert team selected by the WHO.

Zhou Lei said that during the combined traceability research process in the first stage, China also considered the possibility of laboratory leakage during the design stage.Laboratory investigations and research, and the staff of the laboratory, including the students in the laboratory at the time, were surveyed and analyzed all the health monitoring materials and possible clinical data of these personnel.

She emphasized, "No matter which aspect, in the process of combined traceability in the first stage, we have fully shared our research results and data without any concealment and reservation."

Zhou Lei also mentioned that there is a certain difficulty in the study of virus traceability. There is still a long way to go to the traceability of crown diseases.Origin, we should adhere to the attitude of science.She also believes that the traceability of the virus requires the joint research of scientists all over the world, fully and objectively adhering to the scientific attitude, and carry out research work together.

She finally said that if the WHO blames, especially wants to deny the results of the first stage of joint investigation and research on the first stage of China, I am afraid it is the credibility of the WHO.