China Disease Control Center updated information on Friday (April 7) shows that the China CDC Weekly of the China Disease Control and Prevention Center (China CDC Weekly) March 30, Wu Guizhen, Liu Jun, etc., which was published on March 30The theme article of people's "let the new crown virus return to science" pointed out that the earliest outbreak place for the earliest report cannot be equivalent to the origin of the global popularity, that is, "discovery locations" is not equal to the "origin". All research and related conclusions should be scientific.Based.

The article proposes that in recent decades, the newly emerging human infection virus has pose a huge threat to public health, and has become a issue that has been concerned about worldwide.After more than 3 years of coronary virus popular, although scientists around the world are making great efforts, the origin of coronal virus has not been concluded.

The article believes that to determine the exact origin of a newly emerging human infectious disease, it requires strict logical relationships, sufficient causal relationships, and solid evidence chain.

From a macro perspective, for the global origin of new crown pneumonia in 2019, human and animals are still the most likely source.However, according to the current global evidence, the natural host and the middle host of the coronary virus have not yet made a clear conclusion.

From the perspective of a narrow sense, there are many possibilities for the origin of specific geographical scope (such as the country, cities, schools or markets) or specific people.For example, the original case of a geographical area is infection caused by an animal carried by the primary organs of the pathogen or a pathogen.

It is worth noting that even if the source in a certain area (the earliest outbreak place) in a certain area cannot be equivalent to the global popular origin, that is, "discovery" does not mean the "origin"Essence

The article pointed out that all research and related conclusions should be based on science.Chinese scientists have always maintained an openness, transparent, and responsible attitude and practice, and jointly carried out traceability work with scientists from all over the world, and contributed a large number of scientific references. The WHO-China Joint Report is one of them.

In the early stage of the outbreak of crown disease in late December 2019, it was found that some cases were related to the South China Seafood market in Wuhan, China.After conducting investigations and monitoring work on the spot, scientists further analyzed the data, reported to the WHO experts and conducted comprehensive discussions.

WHO-China Joint Experts Group collected environmental samples and animal samples in the South China Seafood market and different locations, and successfully separated three live viruses.The test results show that the virus on the market is similar to the height of the virus separation strain in the early crown disease cases (99.980%-100%); the coronary virus is not detected in the 18 animal swabs on the market;The coronary virus is highly similar to the early popular virus in the market; in addition, the coronary virus is also found in animal samples such as wild boars and cattle on the market.

The article pointed out that the source of the virus cannot be determined from all existing analysis, and the possibility of virus may not be ruled out that the virus may enter the market through human or cold chain products.Because there are a large number of people's flow every day in the market, all data shows that during the period of great popularity, the South China Seafood market only served as an early amplifier, which led to a gathering infection.

The article said that based on the current scientific logic and global existing evidence, the conclusion of the WHO-China joint report on the traceability of crown diseases is scientific and objective.Virus traceability is a scientific issue that requires scientific evidence and logical reasoning.The traceability of coronal virus may have a long way to go. Related research provides valuable experience for future prevention and control of other new infectious diseases.

The traceability of crown disease has attracted much attention.The World Health Organization (WHO) Director -General Tan Dezai said on Thursday (April 6) that China has the key to understanding the origin of the 2019 coronary virus and once again urged China to share this information.The News Office of the State Council of China will hold a press conference at 4 pm on Saturday (April 8th).