Chinese Special Manuscript

The ChatGPT officially launched in November last year launched the first shot of the global chat robot competition. China, across a network firewall, was also swept by this chatbot. Many Chinese technology giants have accelerated the development of chat robot products in the past four months.How will the chat robot affect China's artificial intelligence market of more than $ 13 billion (approximately S $ 17.4 billion)? What long -term impact will this artificial intelligence competition bring on the Sino -US scientific and technological warfare?

Chinese Science and Technology Giants started to accelerate the layout in the artificial intelligence (AI) competition at the end of last year. In less than half a year, dozens of Chinese technology companies such as Tencent, Huawei, Bybolic,, 360, Kuaishou, Netease, etc.Products similar to ChatGPT.However, only Baidu and HKUST Xunfei announced a clearer product release blueprint.

Baidu held a press conference on March 16, announcing the labeling ChatGPT chat robot product "Wen Xin Yi's Word" began internal testing; the current internal testing activity is only opened to a small number of enterprise partners and online applicants.The internal test platform has exceeded 1 million people.

HKUST Xunfei announced the company's first product to use a cognitive intelligent model -Xunfei AI learning machine expected to be released on May 6.This is China's first product to target ChatGPT and has a precise date of landing.

Matt Sheehan, a researcher at the Carnegie International Peace Foundation of China Science and Technology Development for a long time, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the current chat robot competition is mainly competition between technology companies. All Internet giants can expectUsing the huge commercial interests that this type of AI technology may bring.

According to the research report of the development of the Chinese chat robot industry released by Irei in 2021, chat robots can not only be used to chat or optimize the network search engine. The large language model generation technology behind it can also be widely used in customer service, marketing and enterprisesScenes such as information services, such as intelligent navigation, intelligent training, intelligent telephone marketing, industry data analysis, and intelligent decision -making in business.

China's overall AI market has currently exceeded $ 13 billion.The report shows that the market size of chat robots will reach 9.85 billion yuan (about S $ 1.9 billion) by 2025, and the average annual growth rate of compound annual growth from 2019 to 2025 is close to 40%.

Analysis: Chat robot or an important growth point of Chinese science and enterprises

Some analysts believe that the growth of China's overall science and technology industry has slowed down in the past two years. Chat robots may become an important growth point for Chinese technology companies, which will also help stimulate investors' confidence in the Chinese technology industry.Therefore, even when many technology giants are not yet mature, they still vigorously promote this important new track.

HKUST Xunfei's 2022 performance trailer shows that the company's net profit last year decreased by 60 to 70 % year -on -year, and the stock price continued to soften in the second half of last year, and once fell to a low point of 31.10 yuan in October.However, after setting up the ChatGPT chat robot concept, HKUST Xunfei rose by more than 100%in mid -January to early April.

Baidu's stock price is also affected by the news of Wen Xin.After Baidu announced in early February that it would officially launch a text of Wen Xin, the stock price once soared by 15%within a day.Because of Wen Xin's words, the stock price was initially affirmed by foreign securities firms.

In the past month, the performance of Wenxin's internal test has been criticized by many netizens. The stalk maps appearing on the Internet include its wrong understanding of idioms and proverbs, and providing error messages.Some people doubt whether Baidu is still in order to stimulate investors' confidence to stimulate the confidence of investors when the technology is still immature.

Zhu Feida, an associate professor at the School of Information Systems of Singapore Management University, analyzed that Chinese technology companies accelerated the launch of their own chat robot products after ChatGPT attracted attention. From time to time, some ducks were really rushed to put on the shelves.However, many Chinese technology companies have conducted several years of research on chat robots. Therefore, they are not temporarily put together to make immature technology, but they have to respond to the advent of ChatGPT at this time.

Zhu Feida said that China ’s chat robot technology may not reach the level of ChatGPT, but they can just use this opportunity to show the projects in the outside world, so that they can win a larger space for future development.

How can China speak and control the development of chat robots?

Many analysts believe that speech review is the biggest restrictions on the development of Chinese chat robots; interviewees believe that China may develop a "Chinese -character chat robot" that is different from CHATGPT.

As early as ChatGPT was born, China Technology Corporation had begun to lay out a technical layout for chat robots.Alibaba Badham launched a Chinese pre -training large model project and multi -mode pre -training model in 2020. Huawei subsequently released the Pangu Grand Model in 2021, and the Dharma Academy released the giant model M6 in the same year.

In June 2021, the major model of Wu Dao 2.0, led by the Beijing Zhiyuan Artificial Intelligence Research Institute; Wu Dao was called "the largest in the world" AI language model at the time.-3 models are about 10 times more.However, the above products did not cause much response in the market.

Analysis pointed out that China has been strictly controlled by the public opinion environment, which has brought severe challenges to the early management of chat robots' early model training to later management.

China Technology Corporation currently uses Chinese text for chat robot model training.Jeffrey Ding, assistant professor of George Washington University, said in an interview with VOA in an interview with an interview.It may restrict the quality of the Baidu version of ChatGPT.

Wen Xin said with a word to avoid sensitive political issues

Reporters in Lianhe Zaobao found in the use of Wenxin's internal testing that Wen Xin's words would avoid questions about political sensitive issues such as high -level leaders of China, Xinjiang, White Paper Movement, and Russia and Ukraine War.The related answers are "as an artificial intelligence language model, I haven't learned how to answer this question yet, you can ask me some other questions, I will try my best to help you solve it."

Matt Sheehan, a researcher at the Carnegie International Peace Foundation, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the review system is the biggest facing Chinese technology companies when developing chat robotschallenge.It is very difficult to review and predict the content of the raw of chat robots. Filtering traditional shielding methods such as keywords is not so useful for such a large number of text and complex discussions.Even if OpenAi and Google are trying to strengthen the chat content of the chat robot under control, this challenge is even greater for Chinese companies, because they have a lot of penalties.

Mo Naiguang, who was a member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Information Technology Circle, analyzed the Voice of Germany. Compared with the development of open chat robots similar to ChatGPT, Chinese technology companies may focus on optimizing bank smart customer service and other traditional AIRobots, or tutoring robots specializing in specific closed fields such as medicine and law.

Zhu Feida, an associate professor at the School of Information Systems of Singapore Management University, told the United Zard that "chat robots with Chinese characteristics" may appear in China, but it will not be significantly different from foreign chat robots in the product form.In the information service, there will be stricter control in the content.

Zhu Feida pointed out that in the intense international political situation, it is difficult for the chat robots with Chinese characteristics to enter the international market.From a business perspective, Chinese technology companies do not have a significant advantage; from a political perspective, chat robots involve a large number of user information collection and analysis. Many countries are particularly cautious about this, so they will not easily allow Chinese chat robots to enter their market.Essence

Chat robot becomes the Sino -US AI science and technology war logo

Chat robots are not only about the development of Chinese technology companies themselves. In the context of the Sino -US scientific and technological warfare, it is also an important symbol of the Sino -US AI competition.

The Chinese State Council has proposed in the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" digital economic development plan to enhance key technological innovation capabilities including AI.The new generation of artificial intelligence development plan issued in 2017 also proposed that by 2030 AI theory, technology, and application generally reached the world's leading level, becoming the world's main AI innovation center.

The US National Security Consultant Shalin emphasized that "including microelectronics, quantum information systems, and AI related technologies" last September, which will play a huge role in the next 10 years, saying that the United States will try to be as much as possible in these as possible in these as possible in these.Fields and opponents have maintained a significant lead.The Biden government immediately banned American companies from selling advanced chip manufacturing equipment and high -end semiconductors to China in October, including the main chip A100 of the AI industry.

Matt Sheehan, a researcher at the Carnegie International Peace Foundation, pointed out that the chat robot is a sign of the next generation of AI development. China has clearly proposed the AI development goal in 2030. ThereforePolitics and soft power.

Chat robot is just the key first step in the Sino -US AI competition.Herne said that the chat robot itself may not be so important. What is important is what AI development will be after chatting robots.

Chinese officials are highly vigilant about the technology of chat robotics in the US OpenAI company. China ’s official media China Daily issued a document in February to criticize the foreign government to use ChatGPT to spread false information and manipulate public opinion narrative.Japanese media also quoted people familiar with the matter that Chinese regulators have requested major technology companies including Tencent and Ant Group, and do not provide users with ChatGPT services.

At present, Chinese people can only use ChatGPT through virtual special networks (VPN) and foreign phone numbers.

Zhu Feida, an associate professor at the School of Information Systems of Singapore Management University, analyzed that chat robot technology, like Microsoft's Windows and Office systems, will increase productivity in all fields in the whole society, rather than limited to a certain field.If China does not keep up with development at the beginning, it will definitely continue to fall behind, which may cause the whole society and external disconnection, and the long -term impact will be difficult to estimate.

Chinese large language model generation technology is behind the United States 18 months to two years

Zhu Feida explained that the characteristics of chat robot technology are that it is very dependent on information input with users. The more people use and perform better.If China does not keep up in the first step, everyone will use foreign chat robots in a nest, and foreign chat robots will become better and better, and the gap between China and the United States will grow bigger and bigger.

Herne judged that even the best large language model generation technology in China is still 18 months to two years behind the United States.This means that when the United States launched the most advanced new model, China can also launch a considerable model within two years.This is a very good ability, but there is a huge difference between quickly following or really catching up or surpassing global leaders.