He Moumou, a boy who was fired from Nanhua University because of fabricating obscene information on the Internet, was also disqualified by the University of Science and Technology of China by the University of Science and Technology of China.

According to the surging news report, the University of Science and Technology of China announced on Wednesday (March 22) that according to the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Education's recommendation of high -degree graduates from the recommendation of outstanding graduate students, as well as Chinese science and technologyThe relevant provisions of the university pushing and exemptions in 2023 will cancel the eligibility of He Moumou in 2023, and will be processed in accordance with the procedures.

He Moumou, who was studying at the senior year at the time of the incident, has previously obtained the qualification to accept Baojia University of Science and Technology of China.

He Moumou has repeatedly used photos of his junior high school female classmates many times to make up the plot on the Internet and sell obscene pictures, fabricating indecent pictures to make profits.

Nanhua University posted on the official Weibo on March 21 that after investigation and verification, He Moumou's illegal acts are true, and the public security organs have made administrative penalties.In accordance with the relevant regulations of the school, the student is expelled from the student status, and the procedure will be handled in the future.

Earlier this month, a boy from Suzhou University also sent a photo of female classmates and friends on the pornographic website because he sent a photo of female classmates and friends, and maliciously p pictures and yellow rumors were fired by the school.