Chinese officials and Putin have jointly signed and issued a joint statement in China and Russia on deepening the comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership in the new era.Objective and fair stance, China expressed appreciation for Russia's reiteration to restart peace talks as soon as possible.

Chinese officials held formal talks with Russian President Putin on Tuesday (March 21).China officially proposed that the two state -owned cooperation should be promoted to achieve new and greater development; Putin said that Russia is a "strategic supplier" of PetroChina, natural gas and coal.

To the deadline, Chinese officials and Putin have jointly signed and issued a joint statement of China and Russia on deepening the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in the new era.The constructive claims explained by China in the Chinese position document of the Ukrainian crisis proposed in China, and China expressed appreciation for Russia's reiteration to restart peace talks as soon as possible.

According to Xinhua reports, the statement also said that in the Ukrainian issue, the two sides believed that the purpose and principles of the United Nations Charter must be observed, and international law must be respected.The two parties oppose any country or national group to harm the reasonable and safe interests of other countries to seek military, politics, and other advantages. To solve the Ukrainian crisis must respect the reasonable and safe concerns of various countries and prevent the formation of camp confrontation, arch fire pouring, and the responsible dialogue is steadily steadily.The best way to solve problems.The two sides called for actions to stop all tensions and delay in war, avoid further deterioration or even out of control of the crisis, and oppose any unilateral sanctions that have not been authorized by the UN Security Council.

During the informal talks of the previous day, Chinese officials have officially invited Putin to visit China during the year.

Another comprehensive Tas Society, Reuters, and Agence France -Presse reported that the Chinese official went to the Federal Government Building of Russia on the morning of the 21st to meet Russian Prime Minister Mi Shusi; then transferred to the Klinsin Palace in the afternoon to attend the welcome ceremony held by PutinEssenceSubsequently, the two sides conducted a small -scale talk of more than an hour and a half, and then held a scope of expansion.

Putin said before expanding the talks that Russia is ready to help Chinese companies replace Western companies from Russia due to the Ukrainian war.He also discussed with Chinese officials the proposed Siberian power No. 2 pipeline, and plans to transport natural gas to China.

Putin also said that Russia -China has cooperation potential in the northern channel project and intends to establish a work institution.

According to Russian media reports, Chinese officials have officially invited Putin to participate in this year's "Belt and Road" summit forum this year.He also invited Michase Jing to visit as soon as possible, and Michase Jing was also invited.

Chinese officials went to Russia on the 20th to start a three -day national visit. This is his first visit to his third state chairman.On the day of arriving in Moscow, Chinese officials went to Ka Palace immediately to hold an informal talks with Putin for four and a half hours.When the two sides met, the "dear friend" was even more commensurate.

Chinese official: China is firm with Russia to strengthen strategic collaboration.

The Kremlin spokesman Peskov said on the 21st that the heads of state of the two countries exchanged their opinions in an informal talks on the first day and discussed the Ukraine Peace Plan proposed by Beijing, but he refused to disclose more moredetail.

The statement of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Klinslin website showed that Chinese officials mentioned in the informal talks on the 20th that as the largest neighbor country and a comprehensive strategic collaboration partner, China -Russia relations are in their respective foreign and foreign policies.Both occupy priority.Consolidating and developing Sino -Russian relations is a strategic choice made by China based on its fundamental interests and world development trend.The general direction of China and Russia to strengthen strategic cooperation is unswerving.

Chinese officials also said that the two sides should further deepen pragmatic cooperation in various fields, strengthen coordination and cooperation between multilateral platforms such as the United Nations, help their respective countries to develop revitalization, and be the mainstay of world peace and stability.

In response to the Ukrainian crisis, Chinese officials said that most countries support the ease of tensions, advocate persuasion and talk, and oppose the fuel to the fire.Historically, conflict needs to be resolved through dialogue and negotiations.China believes that the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is for peace; the more contradictions are sharp, and the more they cannot give up their dialogue efforts, the Chinese side is willing to continue to play a constructive role for promoting the political solution of the Ukrainian issue.

Putin also mentioned that the interaction between the two countries on the international stage will help promote the basic principles of international order and multi -polarization. There are also many topics of economic cooperation between the two sides and will discuss in the official talk on the 21st.

The Kremlin Palace announced earlier that the two parties will sign more than 10 agreements including economic cooperation this time, and two joint statements, one is a declaration of the relationship between the two countries entering the "new era", and the other isRegarding economic cooperation plans for the next seven years.