
Jingqiang Xinyun

The second year of the Russian and Ukraine War and the second year of Russian President Putin faced the charges of the war, Chinese officials set foot on the welcome red carpet paved by Moscow.

After the official Chinese official Monday (March 20) arrived in Moscow, the Chinese and Russian leaders took a photo in the Kremlin and shaken cordially to announce the profound friendship between China and Russia.The two subsequently sat on a coffee table in front of the fireplace and held talks.Compared to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Putin and Western leaders at the atmosphere of talks at a long conference table should be easy and intimate.

China's official visit to Russia has caused deep concerns about Western relations with Sino -Russian relations, and Beijing may provide assistance to Moscow outside of diplomacy and economy.Before the official visit of China, US media reported that evidence showed that China was output weapons to Russia.

During Moscow, Chinese leaders' statement made on Russia and Ukraine's conflict is the focus of attention from all parties.However, from the signature article published on the Russian media on the day of the Chinese official, the first card he wanted to play in Moscow was the bilateral relationship between China and Russia.

In the face of the United States led by Western countries, China is trying to find a breakthrough, and Russia, which is also targeted at the United States, is a friend who wants to be close to the group in Beijing.During China's official visit to Russia, China and Russia are expected to sign a joint statement to deepen the cooperation between the two countries in terms of security strategies and economic benefits, which will also allow Beijing to further face pressure from the West.In fact, when Russia was isolated in the face of Western sanctions and diplomacy, Chinese official visit to Russia itself has been regarded as supporting Russia.U.S. Secretary of State Brills politely criticized this visit on Monday to provide diplomatic cover for the war atrocities committed by Russia.

But China hopes to cut cutting between Russia's strategic partnership and support Russia to mobilize war.Because of this, Chinese officials have to play another card when visiting Russia, not only playing the persuasion and talker between Moscow and Kiev, to create a "neutral" image.

China issued a 12 -point position on political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis during the first anniversary of the outbreak of the Russian conflict. Before the Chinese official visited Russia, Chinese officials qualitated this visit as a "journey of peace".Putin also intends to go to Beijing to show the needs of persuasion and talk. On the first day of talks, it showed that Moscow had an open attitude towards negotiations and said that he seriously studied China about peaceful resolution of Ukraine's problem.Express.After the talks on Tuesday, the Chinese and Russian heads signed a joint statement, emphasizing the resolution of the Ukrainian crisis through peace talks.

But the crisis requires both Russia and Ukraine to make concessions.So, can Beijing essentially play the role of the Russian -Ukraine conflict mediation?

Some analysts believe that because Moscow relies heavily on Beijing's exports, key supplies and political support, China and Ukraine also have a close economic connection. Beijing is the only world country that allows Moscow to achieve reconciliation with Kiev.However, the Russian conflict reduced the resources provided by the West to Taiwan to a certain extent, so Beijing did not have the motivation to promote the conflict immediately.

The Wall Street Journal broke the news at the end of last year. After Russia invaded Ukraine, the United States donated billions of dollars to Ukraine, affecting the long -term strategy of the United States to provide weapons against Taiwan, and a large number of Taiwan troops delayed delivery.

However, the long -term Russian and Ukraine War is not necessarily in Beijing.On the one hand, an endless war will consume the power of Russia and a uncertainty that Russia will fall into turbulence and whether the domestic political structure will change.If Putin's regime is overthrown because of the Russian and Ukraine War, once the new Russian regime falls to the West, Beijing will be more isolated.

On the other hand, the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War made the world full of vigilance in the authoritarian regime, and also reshaped many countries' awareness of geographical security. Washington has more reasons and opportunities to unite European and Asian allies.The interests run counter to the end.Although the Russian -Ukraine relations are not the same as the nature of cross -strait relations, this cruel war also specifies the concept of Beijing Wutong Taiwan.It can be said that China, which is not a participant, has been indirectly involved in the dilemma brought about by the war. Beijing has motivation and a disadvantage to resolve such a disadvantage.

China has recently showed certain mediation capabilities on some international issues. For example, earlier this month, China did a "peacemaker" between the Middle East enemy Iran and Saudi Arabia.It is also reported that Chinese officials also plan to talk to the Ukrainian President Zeisky after visiting Russia.However, the Russian problem is more tricky than the Shay.In the current situation, neither Western or Ukraine will agree to return to the negotiating table, and be highly alert to the persuasion and talks proposed by China. It is based on Russia's established factual facts that Russia invades Ukraine territory.

Objectively speaking, the principle of respecting the integrity of sovereignty and territoriality in various countries meets Beijing's interests, and China will not know that persuasion and talks with the endorsement of the endorsement of Russia's invasion of Ukraine may attract anti -effects.However, China will continue to win Russia strategically and economically, and it is difficult to promote Russia's withdrawal.On the one hand, with Russia's back -to -back to meet the needs of the United States, on the other hand, it is the outside world's stance on Beijing's Russian and Ukraine issues.It may just make Beijing not too much points in morality.