When the chairman of the Kuomintang of Taiwan, Zhu Lilun, when I met with Senator Hiriyanan, president of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Liberal Democratic Party on Tuesday (March 21) in the afternoon of Tuesday (March 21), talked about the Kuomintang and the DPPThe differences in the land policy said that the Kuomintang's position has always been consistent to defend the Republic of China and protect Taiwan. However, while increasing the defense capabilities, the communication between the two parties can be reduced to reduce the risk.

According to the United Daily report, Zhu Lilun said in the meeting in the Central Party Department that the Kuomintang attaches great importance to the issue of foreign defense related issues and has long -term governing experience.Then to Ma Ying -jeou and Ping Taiwan, the Kuomintang's position to guard the Republic of China is the same; in the face of the current international situation, the Kuomintang insists on taking into account the "2D strategy" of "Defense" and "dialogue".The strategy also mentioned when he was currently the Minister of Defense, Hamada, also mentioned the Kuomintang last year.

When talking about the differences between the Kuomintang and the DPP's land policy, Zhu Lilun said that the Kuomintang's position has always been consistent to defend the Republic of China and protect Taiwan.At the same time, Taiwan itself must work hard, not all partners such as the United States and Japan. While dialogue with Beijing, such as Japan, the United States, etc., the Kuomintang also dialogues to reduce misjudgment between the two sides of the strait.

Zhu Lilun also praised the long -term friendly relationship between Taiwan and Japan, and hoped that the relationship between the two parties in the future would be more stable.He also congratulates Japan's surprise in today's baseball classic. The performance is bright. For the next day's schedule is Japan's championship against the United States, and both sides are friends in Taiwan. Zhu Lilun said: "We cheer up for the two sides.Performance".