Chinese ambassador Wu Jianghao in Japan Tuesday (March 21 21Day) Arrive in Japan.He said that he is willing to work hard to develop relations between the two countries, and the "camp confrontation" does not meet the fundamental interests of the two countries and the people.

Comprehensive news from the official website of the Kyodo News Agency and the Chinese Embassy in Japan, Wu Jianghao arrived at Narita Airport from Beijing on Tuesday.In an interview with the airport, he said that the important mission of this time was to maintain and develop healthy and stable Sino -Japanese relations.Sino -Japanese clothes are water and one reed can be available.In the long river of history, the people of the two countries learn from each other, and the relationship between the two countries has gone through bumps.

He said that China and Japan must adhere to the principles of the establishment of the four political documents of China and Japan, follow the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, do not forget their original intentions, eliminate interference, and promote Sino -Japanese relations to always on the correct trackHealthy operation.

In response to the US -dominated trend of China, Wu Jianghao said that the pragmatic cooperation between China and Japan is huge, the foundation is deep, and the prospects are broad.The "detachable chain" and "camp confrontation" do not conform to the fundamental interests of the two countries and the peoples of the two countries, and violate the history and the trend of the times.Both sides should improve the level of cooperation, expand common interests, and bring greater benefits to the people of the two countries.

He said that as the major regional and the second and third largest economies in the region, China and Japan shoulders the important responsibilities of maintaining the peace and stability of the region.The two parties should maintain the international system with the United Nations as the core, based on international law, and based on the basic criteria of the UN Charter's purpose and principles to resist the "Cold War" thinking and oppose confrontation between conflict.

This year's 45th anniversary of the conclusion of the China -Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty. Wu Jianghao said that it will accelerate the cooperation at the working level, expand the common interests of the two countries, promote the economic activities of China -JapanAnd hard work.

Wu Jianghao, 61, has studied Japanese major at the Shanghai Academy of Foreign Languages. He has rich experience in Japan. Like his predecessor Kong Yanyou, he was the "Japan Tong" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China.He served as the second -class secretary of the Chinese Embassy in Japan in 1993, and was promoted to the first -class secretary; since 2002, he has been a counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Japan for six years.Wu Jianghao was the assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of China in 2020.