Said Russian President Putin (March 21)Russia and China have reached an agreement on the natural gas pipeline of "Siberian Power 2", which will connect Siberia to northwestern China.

Comprehensive Agence France -Presse, Russian satellite news agency and Tas News reported that Putin said after talking with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday, "Almost all parameters of the project have been agreed", which is equivalent to Russia's reliable and stable stability from RussiaSupply of 50 billion cubic meters of natural gas.He added that economic cooperation between Moscow and Beijing was a "priority" of Russia.

Putin conducted talks with Xi Jinping at the Klinsin Palace on Tuesday afternoon, and jointly signed a joint statement on deepening the comprehensive strategic collaboration partnership between the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on deepening the new era.According to the joint statement, the two parties will work together to promote the research and consultation related to the new China -Mongolia -Russian gas pipeline project.

Statement stated that the two sides attached great importance to the implementation of the 2015 People's Republic of China, the Russian Federation, and the Mongolian development of the three -party cooperation between the three parties and the outline of the China -Mongolia -Russia Economic Corridor in 2016 to further deepen the cooperation of the three parties.It will actively promote this prospects for development with Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Eurasian Economic Union and other regional organizations and mechanisms.The two parties will work together to promote the research and negotiation of the newly built China -Mongolia -Russian gas pipeline project research and consultation.

The statement also mentioned that the two parties will build a closer energy partnership, support the enterprises of both parties to promote energy cooperation projects such as oil and gas, coal, power, nuclear energy, and promote the implementation of initiatives that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.Including the use of low -emission energy and renewable energy.The two parties will jointly maintain international energy security including key cross -border infrastructure, maintain the stable supply chain of the energy product industry chain, promote fair energy transformation and low -carbon development based on the principles of technological neutrality, and jointly develop long -term healthy and stable development of the global energy market.Make contribution.

The "Siberian Power 2" project is a pipeline project that supplies natural gas from Russia via Mongolia to China.At the beginning of 2022, the results of the results of the feasibility demonstration of the construction project, the contract of design survey, and the joint working group of the Mongolian government and the Mongolian government and the Russian gas company 2022-2024.

Earlier reports that the "Siberian Power 2" through Mongolia is known as the new energy arteries of the Far East.Strengthen economic cooperation and provide new motivation and prospects.