Tiktok CEO Zhou Subjuer said that as more and more US legislators seek to prohibit this application based on national security considerations, TIKTOK is facing a critical moment.

According to Reuters, Zhou Yinzi sent a video on Tiktok on Tuesday (March 21) with a video background of the US Congress.He said in the film that Tiktok now has more than 150 million US -monthly active users, almost half of the American population.However, more and more politicians have called for Tiktok, which may take Tiktok from the hands of 150 million users, "this is a critical moment for us."

Zhou's funding calls on Tiktok users to leave a message under the video and tell American legislators why they love this application.At present, this video has been broadcast more than 4.7 million, and the message has also exceeded 60,000.

The US legislative prohibit Tiktok's parliament members worry that Tiktok's U.S. user data may be submitted to the Chinese government by the Chinese parent company's bytes, although TIKTOK has repeatedly refuted the charges.On Thursday (23rd), Zhou Yinfu will attend the hearing on the issue of Tiktok on the Energy and Business Commission of the House of Representatives.

Zhou's capital said in writing that Tiktok never shared with the Chinese government, nor did he receive a request to share American user data.He said Tiktok's parent company's byte beating is not owned or controlled by any government or national entity."Let me clearly explain this. Byte beating is not an agent of China or any other country."

Zhou was funded, and Tiktok had spent more than $ 1.5 billion (about S $ 2 billion),Strict data security work in the name of the "Texas Project".After this process is completed, all protected American data will be protected by US law and under the control of the security team led by the United States.Under this structure, the Chinese government has no way to access it or forced to access it.

He said: "Only in the absence of alternatives, the ban is appropriate, but we do have an alternative."

Democratic member Jamal Bowman(Jamaal Bowman) On Wednesday, and Tiktok creators will hold a press conference outside the US Congress Building to oppose legislators to try to ban TIKTOK.Bowman described Tiktok's efforts as "making fear" and pointed out that Tiktok was prohibited from "conveying another information to young voters, that is, we don't care about your thoughts."

Bowman believes that the United States needs a comprehensive "big scientific and technological supervision" to solve the problems of Facebook, Alphabet's YouTube, Twitter and other companies, but Tiktok alone is "unacceptable".