Although the loan market quotation interest rate (LPR) has remained unchanged for seven consecutive months, under the dynamic adjustment mechanism of the first set of housing loan interest rates in the Chinese housing market, the interest rate of the first home loan loan in many places has been regulated.According to statistics, there are currently 35 cities' mortgage interest rates entering the "3 eras".

According to the China Securities Times, it is learned from many places and real estate agencies that "the loan balance is sufficient, and the speed of lending is fast" is the common situation at the moment.Some bank loan managers revealed that after the house is over, it is usually available for two to three days.Some bank staff said that the dual certificate (real estate certificate and mortgage certificate) will be loanned immediately after getting.

Since the beginning of 2023, the interest rate of the first -mounted home loan loan in China, such as Hengshui City, Hebei Province, lowered the lower limit of the first house's commercial personal housing loan rate from March to 3.8 %.According to the latest monitoring data of the China Independence Research Institute, since this year, there have been 35 cities such as Xiamen, Shijiazhuang, and Puyang to adjust the lower limit of the first home loan interest rate to less than 4 %.

The staff of a state -owned bank in Hengshui City revealed that recently, the interest rate of the first house loan of second -hand housing was reduced, from the previous 4.1 % decrease to 3.8 %, and the interest rate of the second home loan was 4.9 %.The staff of a bank branch in Wuxi also revealed that the current loan interest rate of the first house is 3.8 %.

But at the same time, in first -tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, the loan interest rate of the first house of second -hand housing in many banks remains above 4 %.