The number of college graduates of 2023 Chinese universities reached a record high, which is expected to reach 11.58 million, an increase of 820,000 year -on -year.Su Xiuli, deputy director of the Employment and Entrepreneurship Guidance Center of Beijing University University, revealed that the graduates of Beijing universities have shown a new change this year, that is, the number of graduates of graduate students (masters and doctors) exceeded the undergraduate students for the first time.

According to the Beijing News, Su Xiuli said in an interview that this year's graduates are expected to reach 11.58 million, and the number of graduates in Beijing universities is about 285,000.They all set a record high.

Su Xiuli introduced, affected by the epidemic, from 2020 to 2022, the proportion of graduates of Beijing college graduates has declined significantly.The employment situation in the season is still relatively severe.

In addition, the graduates of Beijing universities have shown a new change: the number of graduates of graduate students (masters and doctors) exceeded undergraduates for the first time.Su Xiuli believes that this change is beneficial and disadvantaged. On the one hand, it reflects the high level of talent training in Beijing universities, and the human resources value of graduates is high; on the other hand, because of graduate students, they are relatively competitive and have more room for choice.Employment progress is also relatively slow.

Su Xiuli said: "The foundation of employment is the economy. At the moment when the epidemic is improved, all walks of life are re -production and re -production, and the economic recovery shows a good trend to stabilize and recover.The improvement of the position with the position is not absolutely synchronized. "

Su Xiuli also said that the general problem of graduates is that they can not have an objective and flat understanding of themselves.The state of state, "Everyone has a good wish, but the workplace is not the case." In addition, fresh graduates lack a clear understanding of the external world. In addition, the supply and demand information is not accurate, it is easy to be high -eyed and low -selection goals.

Su Xiuli suggested that the school should strengthen career planning and career guidance. Students should not want to do "tall" work.dream.

Su Xiuli said: "We must also create a good social atmosphere." Taking the recruitment requirements of employers as an example, the work that college students can do may not require undergraduate and above.It must be a non -recruitment master's degree or above."The problem of difficult employment and difficulties in business recruitment cannot be resolved immediately, and a process of slowly promoting."

Su Xiuli admits that recent survey questionnaire results show that about 40%of graduates"Students still feel stressful, but this data has exceeded 50%of the statistics before the Spring Festival." She said that proper pressure is also a good thing, from the offline of this spring, the offline of this spring is offline.Judging from the recruitment, whether it is the center of the center or the double election meeting of the campus venue, the participation of graduates' participation and vitality reflect a stronger enthusiasm than before.