The People's Bank of China announced that it will be reduced recently. The official media issued a statement on Saturday (March 18) that the reduction will help to maintain a reasonable and abundant liquidity of the banking system and help consolidate the economy.

China Economic Daily published an article signed "Jin Guangping" on Saturday, saying that the RRR cut will directly enhance the banking system lending capacity.The total amount of credit has maintained a reasonable growth, which has a vital role in stabilizing employment and protecting people's livelihood, especially to create a suitable monetary credit environment for small and micro enterprises.

The article states that at present, the risk of overseas banking industry has increased, and the external environment is becoming increasingly complicated. With the pressure of liabilities in China's domestic banking industry and the continued narrowing of net interest rate differences, the central bank adopts timely adoptionReasonable measures to release long -term liquidity to the financial system will help reduce the cost of bank institutions, do good asset -liability management, effectively alleviate bank liabilities and operating pressure, enhance operating stability and ability to resist risk, guide financial institutions to further increaseSupport for the real economy.

The article said that in the recent public market operation incremental operation, the short -term interest rate of the currency market is still slightly up. At this time, the central bank's reduction will help alleviate the tension of capital.At the same time, the mobility of early launch will also be prepared for the expansion of demand in the next stage, which will help stabilize market expectations and provide a favorable monetary financial environment for promoting economic recovery growth.

The People's Bank of China announced on Friday that it will reduce the deposit reserve ratio of 0.25 percentage points on March 27. After this reduction, the weighted average deposit reserve rate of financial institutions is about 7.6%.

The Chinese official media ring Times quoted experts that the surrender reflected the Chinese government's "responsibility to the world", that is, not following the US interest rate hike, but instead of adhering to the independent monetary policy.