The list of members of the Second Science and Technology Innovation Consulting Committee of the Shanghai Stock Exchange officially released on Friday (March 17), with a total of 58 members.Bao Fan, chairman and CEO of Huaxing Capital Group, who was previously elected as a candidate and a post investigated by relevant Chinese agencies, is no longer listed on the list.

According to the First Financial Report, the Shanghai Stock Exchange announced the list of candidates for the second science and technology innovation consulting committee on December 30 last year, with a total of 59 candidates.In the official list announced this time, except for Bao Fan, other candidates have been officially hired as members of the 2nd Advisory Commission.

Huaxing Capital Holdings issued an announcement on the evening of February 16 this year to confirm that Bao Fan was lost.On the evening of February 26, the announcement of Huaxing Capital Holdings announced that the board of directors had learned that Bao Fan was cooperating with relevant Chinese authorities for investigation. If any relevant Chinese authorities asked the company to cooperate in accordance with the law, the company would cooperate with the relevant investigation.The news caused a stir in the industry.

Reporting pointed out that Bao Fan is no longer a member of the second science and technology consulting committee of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, which also means that the total number of members with investment backgrounds in the second consultation committee has been reduced from six people in the first session toThe two.In the first consultation committee, members of the investment background include Bao Fan, Liu Xiaodong, president and chief executive officer of Competition Capital Management Co., Ltd., Zhang Lei, founder and CEO of Gao Yan Capital, Lu YanLin Xianghong, chief executive officer of Suzhou Private Capital Investment Holding Co., Ltd., Zhang Jiang, general manager of Ping An Innovation Investment Fund and management partner.

Only Zhang Jiang (now the founder of Jiangyuan Capital) with the investment background of the first session was the second member of the second session.In addition, a member of the investment community was added in the second session, Ren Hongjun, executive vice president of the National Military -civilian Integrated Industry Investment Fund Co., Ltd.

In terms of number of people, a total of 58 members of the Second Science and Technology Innovation Advisory Committee, an increase of 10 people compared with 48 people.Among them, 22 of them continued to be re -elected; 36 were new members, accounting for 61%.

It is understood that members of the Consultation Committee will participate in the work of the consulting committee as a personal expert in accordance with the requirements of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Science and Technology Innovation Advisory Committee.

The members mainly provide consulting opinions based on the development of the national scientific and technological innovation and development strategy and the development of scientific and technological innovation, and the development of industrialization.The construction and supporting rules of the sector provide policy recommendations.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange stated that it will organize relevant training and exchanges in the future, standardize members to perform their duties, strengthen members of members to perform their duties, and ensure that the consulting committee standardizes efficient operation.