The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Friday (March 17) that Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit Russia next week and meet with Russian President Putin.Zhang Hanhui, a Chinese ambassador to Russia, said that the visits of state affairs have a milestone in the new era of Sino -Russian relations.

Zhang Hanhui said in an interview with the Guangming Daily that President Xi Jinping's state visit to Russia this time has a milestone in the new era of Sino -Russian relations.Continue to move forward at high levels.

Zhang Hanhui said that Sino -Russian relations have always maintained a healthy development momentum in 2022.Faced with the international situation of accelerated evolution and the global epidemic that continues to spread, China and Russia have supported each other on issues involving each other's core interests and continued to deepen strategic collaboration.In the past year, the comprehensive strategic collaboration partnership between China and Russia has made great progress. Xi Jinping and Putin have maintained close communication, repeated video meetings or calls to achieve the "Winter Olympics" and "Shanghe Conference".

Zhang Hanhui said that the China -Russia's heads of state remained closely exchanged and exchanged opinions on bilateral cooperation and major international issues. This is the compass and fixed stars of the development of relations between the two countries.Following 2013, Xi Jinping once again took Russia's first stop for visiting the President of the State, which fully reflected Xi Jinping's profound personal friendship with Putin and his high emphasis on the relationship between China and Russia in the new era.

Zhang Hanhui also introduced that looking forward to 2023, China -Russia economic and trade cooperation is expected to go to a new level.In the first two months of this year, China -Russia's trade growth momentum was still rapid. The bilateral trade volume reached 33.69 billion US dollars (about $ 45.199 billion), an increase of 25.9%year -on -year. The successful achievement of "opening the door" once again showed that the basic market for economic and trade cooperation between China and Russia was still stable.

Zhang Hanhui emphasized that China and Russia successfully got out of a way of getting along with the friendly mutual trust and friendship between the great powers. The relationship between the two countries was never targeted at third parties, no interference with third parties, and not accepting third parties.As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and a responsible country, China and Russia have always firmly maintained the United Nations as the core international system and international law based on international law.Practice real multilateralism, oppose any form of unilateral and bullying acts, firmly safeguard the sovereignty, security and development benefits of their respective countries, inject more stability and positive energy into the complicated international situation, and to promote the construction of a community of human destiny communityHighlight the responsibility of a responsible country.

Zhang Hanhui finally said that the more turbulent the world is, the more China and Russia's relations should move forward steadily.Facing the complicated and severe international situation, China is willing to maintain peace and development and prosperity with Russia under the strategy of the two heads of state, work together to build a community of human destiny, and jointly implement the "Belt and Road" initiative.Collaborative partnerships are continuously pushed to higher levels.