Li Qiang, the new Prime Minister of the State Council of China, said that the work of this government is to implement the decision -making deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Li Qiang presided over the first plenary session of the new State Council on Friday (March 17).With a centralized and unified leadership, fully implement the 20th spirit of the Communist Party of China, and closely focus on the central task of the Communist Party of China in the new era and new journey.

Li Qiang said that the five years of the term of the current government is a critical period for the start of the start of the start of socialist modernization.The work of this government is "to implement the decision -making deployment and implementation of the Party Central Committee."

He explained that the executor is to fully and accurately understand the party's strategic intention, to implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee, and at the same time improve the ability of creative implementation to ensure that the party's central government's decision -making deployment is effective.The action faction is to persist in speaking with action, in response to the party's central call and implementing the requirements of the Party Central Committee, it is necessary to be vigorous, quickly and powerful to ensure that the party's central government order is unblocked and the order is prohibited.The practical family is not only to really work hard and work hard, but also to make good achievements and achieve things, and strive to create the performance of history, practice and people's inspection.

Li Qiang requested to firmly grasp the primary task of high -quality development, adhere to the stability of the characters, seek stability, and accurately implement macro policies, comprehensively implement the potential of domestic demand, and promote the continuous improvement of economic operations.It is necessary to focus on the development of the economy on the real economy, fight key core technology, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system.

He emphasized that it is necessary to further deepen reform and opening up, plan to implement a new round of state -owned enterprise reform, promote the development and growth of the private economy, and stabilize the basic market for foreign trade and foreign capital; effectively prevent and resolve major risks, and firmly keep the system firmly.The bottom line of sexual risk.

Li Qiang also mentioned that we must do our best to do a good job of agricultural and rural work to ensure the stable and safe supply of food and important agricultural products; continue to improve the quality of ecological environment, actively and stabilize carbon peak carbon neutrality; and do a good job of social undertakings.Development, epidemic prevention and control, etc., continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.

He finally said that it is necessary to comprehensively strengthen the government's own construction, put political construction in the first place.The project standard task provides a strong guarantee.

According to reports, the meeting announced the division of labor and the establishment of the State Council's leadership and the establishment of the State Council's institutions, reviewed the newly revised State Council's work rules, and deployed government work.