In the samples of a survey team said that in a certain canine wildlife in the Wuhan China Seafood market in China, after finding genetic data related to coronary virus, the World Health Organization said that the Chinese government may hide these genetic data.It also urged China to share the data of 数据 to help the crown virus traceability investigation.

Comprehensive American Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg reported that the WHO said on Friday (March 17) that the China Disease Control and Prevention Center briefly announced the gene sequence completed in 2020 at the end of January this year.Sequences related to crown disease have appeared on the sanctuary of the South China seafood market and other animals.However, the sequences posted in the global database were later removed from the shelves, which caused the efforts to survey the correlation between the investigation or other animals and the spread of crown disease.

The Director -General of the WHO Tan Desai said at a press conference on the same day that these data should have been shared with other countries three years ago.The WHO will ask the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this week to publish these data again in order to analyze it.

According to the New York Times, a group of international virus experts investigating the source of coronary diseases said on Tuesday (14th) that they found genetic data related to the coronary virus in the samples of the Wuhan Wainan Seafood market in China.These data are related to some kind of dog wild animals sold in this market.This discovery may provide new evidence that the theory of the crown disease was originally transmitted by animals.

WHO officials said that they learned for the first time on Sunday (12th).WMC's top epidemiologist Maria Van Kerkhove said: "We need to understand the whole picture of things", but the biggest problem at the moment is that these data do exist, and the international community is not easy to obtain.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin was asked on Friday that China always supported and participated in the global scientific traceability cooperation, and many times invited WHO experts to carry out the crown disease traceability cooperation to organize related related to the organization.The departments and experts share data and research results with the WHO, and make important contributions to the study of global scientific traceability.

He said that China will continue to support and participate in global scientific traceability cooperation.At the same time, there are many clues in the international scientific community to point the source of the virus to global.China is also looking forward to WTO and relevant countries that can share the traceability research results with other parts of the world in a timely manner.