China officially emphasized that it is necessary to ensure that the CCP will never deteriorate, unchanged, and tasteless, and provide a strong guarantee for national rejuvenation.

The two Chinese conferences (National People's Congress and the CPPCC Annual Meeting) Monday (March 13)Closing, Chinese officials delivered a speech in the third term at the closing ceremony.

Compared with the first re -election of five years ago, the official speech of Chinese official speech was significantly shortened, only about 1900 words, less than half of 4700 words five years ago.

In a 17 -minute speech, the Chinese official talked briefly about cross -strait issues, indicating that "the complete unity of the motherland is the common wish of all Chinese children and the meaning of the national rejuvenation."He also asked to adhere to the "one China principle" and "1992 consensus", actively promote the peaceful development of cross -strait relations, resolutely oppose external forces interference and "Taiwan independence" division activities, and unswervingly promote the unified process of the motherland.The applause sounded for 15 seconds at the scene.

This tone slowed down five years ago.When the two sessions were changed in 2018, in the face of the then US President Trump just signed the Taiwan Travel Law to strengthen the US -Taiwan relations, the Chinese official emphasized that the Chinese people have "firm will, sufficient confidence, and sufficient ability to frustrate all the activities of split countries""Each inch of our great motherland must not be divided from China." It responded to the United States with severe wording without fame.

China's official Monday's speech mentioned in the beginning of the chapter that has experienced many difficulties in Chinese history. In modern times, the suffering of "strong bullying, four -point cracks, frequent wars, and charcoal" is obviously aimed at uniting domestic consensus in order to unite with a period of time.Consistent outside.

As China ’s military expenditure budget increased slightly for the third consecutive year this year, Chinese officials pointed out that it is necessary to better coordinate development and security; to build the PLA into a“ steel Great Wall ”that effectively safeguarded national sovereignty, security, and development benefits.

Anti -corruption is also one of the focus of China's official governance.

He emphasized that the Chinese Communist Party must always maintain the soberness and firmness of the unique problem of the Great Party, be brave in self -revolution, "keep in a moment," to comprehensively and strictly govern the party, unswervingly oppose corruption, and provide strong national construction and national rejuvenation with strong national rejuvenation.ensure.

Before the Chinese official speech, the National People's Congress also performed several voting.Among them, the last report of the Chinese government's work reported by the Prime Minister of the State Council, Li Keqiang, was passed with 2946 votes and passed by one vote.

The Supreme Law Work Report made by Zhou Qiang, the dean of the Supreme People's Court, is approved by 2874 votes, 49 votes opposed, and 24 votes., 40 votes opposed, 27 votes abstain.