Sotheby's long -term business has been expanding from Hong Kong to Hong Kong from a long -term business, optimistic about China's wealthy class, and has no fear of slowing concerns about the economic slowdown.

According to Bloomberg, this auction house giant will expand the Shanghai Representative Office this year and start trading directly on the mainland.Although it had done this as early as 1994, due to the status of Hong Kong's Asian art center, the sales activities of the mainland were later entered into Hong Kong.

Sotheby's recently obtained more licenses in order to turn on diversified services. For example, the "instant collection" platform, consumers can buy favorite collections directly without bidding.

Luo Jiaxi, managing director of Sotheby's Asian Asia, said: "There are more demand here, but to some extent, this is also a means of occupying the market ... Let's seeThe huge potential of the mainland market. "

Luo Jiaxi said that Sotheby's also plans to display more collections on the mainland and recruit employees, but did not disclose details.

China's share in the global art trading market is increasing.A report from the Basel Art Exhibition and UBS shows that the collections purchased by Hong Kong and mainland collectors in 2022 are estimated to be twice as much as 2021, and the collectors of more than $ 1 million (S $ 1.35 million) are also higher than the average.level.

A report jointly issued by the Bain Company and the Italian Luxury Industry Association stated that by 2030, the proportion of Chinese consumers in the luxury industry may be as high as 40%among global consumers.