The 2nd Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a bulletin, emphasizing that China's development has entered a period when strategic opportunities and risk challenges coexist, and uncertainty is uncertain.China should strive to expand domestic demand and effectively improve the toughness and security level of the industrial chain supply chain.

According to China CCTV News, the communiqué passed on Tuesday (February 28) at the Second Plenary Session.The plenary session reviewed and approved the list of national institutional leaders recommended by the Political Bureau of the Central People's Congress to the first session of the 14th National People's Congress and the recommended list of candidates for leaders of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference recommended by the 14th session of the CPPCC National Committee.The two proposal lists are recommended to the Presidium of the National People's Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

The meeting also reviewed and approved the reform plan of the party and state institutions. Part of the content of the plan will be submitted to the 14th National People's Congress for review in accordance with the legal procedures.

The communiqué said that the plenary session fully affirmed the work of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee since the First Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.It is agreed that in the face of the severe and complex international environment and the arduous and heavy tasks of domestic reform and development, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee adheres to the general tone of stability and advancement, better coordinate the two domestic and international situation, and better coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and the economy and society.Development, dynamically optimize the prevention and control measures of the crown disease, focus on promoting the steady rise of the economy, promoting high -quality development, resolutely maintaining national security and social stability, starting a new journey of diplomatic relations with major countries with Chinese characteristics, and a new step in various tasks.

The communiqué also mentioned that China's development has entered a period of strategic opportunities and risk challenges, and uncertainty is uncertain that the difficulty of predicting factors will increase.P> The plenary session emphasized that China's reform and development still faces many deep -level contradictions. Demand shrinkage, supply impact, expected weak triple pressure are still large, the foundation of economic recovery is not firm, and various super -expected factors may occur at any time.The whole party should firmly confidence, maintain strategic soberness, carry forward the spirit of struggle, achieve "three better coordinations", and strive to achieve various goals and tasks this year.

Plenary pointed out that we must conscientiously implement the decision -making and deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the prevention and control of the epidemic in the new stage, and implement the measures of the Type B tube.It is necessary to strive to expand domestic demand, effectively improve the toughness and security level of the industrial chain supply chain, further optimize the international business environment of the market -oriented rule of law, effectively prevent and resolve major economic and financial risks, and keep the bottom line without systemic risks.

The full text of the communiqué is as follows:

The second plenary meeting of the 20th Central Committee of the Chinese Government was held in Beijing from February 26 to 28, 2023.

There were 203 members of the Central Committee and 170 members of the Central Committee.The deputy secretary of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the responsible comrades of the relevant departments attended the meeting.

The Plenary Political Bureau was chaired by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee.Xi Jinping made an important speech by the General Secretary of the Central Committee.

The plenary session listened and discussed the work report entrusted by Xi Jinping's entrusted by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, and reviewed and approved the Politburo proposed by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee on the basis of extensively soliciting opinions from the party and repeated negotiations.The recommendation list of national institutional leaders recommended by the National People's Congress and the recommendation list recommended by the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference recommended by the 14th session of the CPPCC National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.Recommended by the Presidium of the 14th Session of the Fourteenth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.The party and state institutional reform plan proposed on the basis of extensive solicitation of opinions was considered.Xi Jinping explained the plenary session on the party and state institutional reform plan (draft).The plenary session agreed to submit some of the contents of the party and state institutional reform plans in accordance with the legal procedures for the first session of the National People's Congress for review.

The plenary session fully affirmed the work of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee since the First Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.It is agreed that in the face of the severe and complex international environment and the arduous and heavy tasks of domestic reform and development, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee has fully implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party and the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, and comprehensively implemented Xi Jinping's new new.Times socialist ideas with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the general tone of the work of steady progress, better coordinate the two domestic and international overall situations, better coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, better overall development and security, and riseTop ten spiritual booms, grand mourning Comrade Jiang Zemin, do a good job of preparations for the National People's Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, dynamically optimize and adjust the prevention and control measures of the new crown epidemic, focus on promoting steady economic recovery, promoting high -quality development, solidly promoting the construction and publicity of socialist democracy and rule of law.Ideological and cultural work, effectively guarantee and improve people's livelihood, resolutely maintain national security and social stability, start a new journey of diplomatic diplomacy with a great country with Chinese characteristics, further deepen and strictly govern the party, and take new steps.

The plenary session emphasized that the first session of the 14th National People's Congress and the first session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference were opened to further mobilize the people of all ethnic groups of the whole party to comprehensively build a socialist modern country and comprehensively promote the greatness of the Chinese nation.Rehabilitation and unity are of great significance.

The Plenary believes that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has taken the deepening of the reform of the party and state institutions as an important task to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities.Comprehensive leadership, adhere to the people -centered people, adhere to the principles of optimizing and coordinated and efficient, adhere to the principle of governing the country in accordance with the law, deepen the reform of the party and state institutions, the functions of the party and state institutions to realize the systemic and overall reconstruction, and obtain history for the party and the state.Sexual achievements and historic changes have provided strong guarantees, and also accumulated valuable experience for the continued deepening of the reform of the party and state institutions.

Plenary pointed out that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made important deployment of deepening institutional reforms, which is of great significance to comprehensively build a socialist modern country and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.The guidance of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, leading the leadership of the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, guiding the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities, adhering to the general tone of steady progress, adapting to the "five peopleThe overall layout of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout is coordinated, adapt to the need to build a new development pattern and promote high -quality development, adhere to the problem -oriented, coordinate the party's central institutions, the National People's Congress, the State Council, and the National Committee of the CPPCC,Organize the central and local governments, deepen the reform of institutional in key areas, and promote the party's leadership of the party's modernization of socialist modernization. It is more scientific in institutional settings, more optimized functional configuration, more perfect in terms of institutional mechanism, and more efficient operation management.

The plenary session emphasized that all regions and departments should stand at the global level of the development of the party and the state, fully understand the importance and urgency of the reform of the party and state institutions, and deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment".Strengthen the "four consciousness", strengthen the "four self -confidence", achieve "two maintenance", consciously unify the thinking and action to the party's central decision -making deployment, resolutely maintain the authority and seriousness of the party's central decision -making deployment, and strengthen the reform.Confidence and determination, strengthen organizational leadership, and implement the tasks of institutional reform.

The plenary session believes that in -depth study and propaganda and implementation of the 20th spirit of the party is the primary political task of the entire party at present and in the future. It is necessary to promote the study and propaganda implementation of the deepening and going.It is necessary to enrich the carrier and innovative methods, and promote the entrance agencies of the 20th National Congress of the Party in the form of the people in the form of the people.The website makes the party's 20th spirit really rooted in people's hearts.Leading cadres should continue to make an example in comprehensive learning, comprehensive grasp, and comprehensively implementing, and deeply understand the significance of the great change of the great change in the decade of the new era., Overall grasping the goals, tasks, strategic deployment, and major measures of the development of the party and the country's cause in the new era, and closely combine the specific actual situation and implementation of specific measures and specific measures to implement the specific actual situation of the headquarters of the region, and effectively implement the party's 20thThe great spirit is in place.

The plenary session emphasizes that at present, the world's unscrupulous changes have accelerated the evolution, and the world has entered a new turbulence change period. my country's development has entered a strategic opportunity and risk pickingDuring the period when warfare and uncertainty are uncertain, it is necessary to survey the major test of high waves and even stormy waves.The stability of my country's reform and development still faces many deep -level contradictions. Demand shrinkage, supply impact, expected weak triple pressure is still large, the foundation of economic recovery is not solid, and various super -expected factors may occur at any time.The comrades of the whole party must firmly confidence, maintain a strategic sober, carry forward the spirit of struggle, achieve "three better coordination", and strive to achieve various goals and tasks this year.It is necessary to implement the new development concepts in a complete, accurate, and comprehensively, accelerate the establishment of a new development pattern, and strive to promote high -quality development.It is necessary to conscientiously implement the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee on the prevention and control of the epidemic in the new stage, and implement the measures of the "category B tube".It is necessary to strive to expand domestic demand, effectively improve the toughness and security level of the industrial chain supply chain, further optimize the international business environment of the market -oriented rule of law, effectively prevent and resolve major economic and financial risks, and keep the bottom line without systemic risks.We must focus on strengthening the work and improving the work of people's livelihood, implementing the priority of employment in detail, ensuring the basic life of the people in difficulties, and strengthening the social security network, supplementing the shortcomings of medical and health services, especially urban and rural primary medical and health public services.Support policy system.Comprehensively promote the revitalization of the countryside, consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, and prevent the occurrence of scale.

Plenary pointed out that we must unswervingly deepen reform and opening up, and closely focus on the goals of comprehensively building a socialist modern country, and launch a number of strategic, creative and leading reform measures to strengthen the integration of reform systems, collaborative efficiency and efficiencyA new breakthrough in important areas and key links.It is necessary to adhere to and improve the basic socialist economic system, improve the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics, strengthen and improve modern financial supervision, promote high -level opening up, and coordinate the reform of various fields.Pay attention to the improvement of reform and implementation mechanism, promote the implementation of reform measures, and continuously enhance the motivation and vitality of socialist modernization, and better transform my country's system advantages into national governance efficiency.

The plenary session emphasized that we must thoroughly implement the strategic deployment of the party's 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and always maintain the soberness and firmness of solving the unique problems of the Great Party.The party's political construction is the leader, solidly promote the party's construction of all aspects, and promote the development of new and great projects of the party's construction in the new era.The whole party has carried out the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's theme of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era. It is necessary to scientifically plan, carefully organize, strengthen theoretical learning and use, and achieve real results.It is necessary to grasp the ideological and political construction of the leadership team after the generalization, strictly implement democratic centralized systems, create a political ecology with a clear and uprightness, and form a vivid situation of unity and cooperation, dare to take responsibility, and make good achievements.We must adhere to strengthening the righteousness and discipline with a strict tone, continue to deepen the "four winds", investigate the style of research, vigorously promote the style of seeking truth, pragmatic, and practical style.Actual performance.We must promote it in one to promote the lasting battle of the fight against corruption.

The plenary plenary call, the people of all ethnic groups in the whole party are more closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, hold up the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, promote the spirit of the great party, and keep in mind the "three must -have"., Self -reliance, self -improvement, innovation, forge ahead, stubborn hard work, solidly promote the modernization of Chinese -style modernization, and work together to achieve the goal and tasks of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.