The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection issued two more articles on violations of regulations, emphasizing that it is necessary to prevent illegal eating and drinking crooked wind rebounding, strictly prevent eating and drinking, renovating and upgrading, darkening and drinking places from light, and intertwined with hidden hidden eating and drinking and corruption.question.

The website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Sunday (February 26) published an review article entitled to resolutely prevent illegal food and drinking crooked wind rebound."The risk of rebound in the problem is high, and we must persist in strict and strict, and resolutely prevent the rebound from recovering.

The article wrote that although the correction and drinking and drinking has achieved significant results, it is necessary to be vigilant. At present, there is still a market fluke and watching mentality.The spirit of nails continues to rectify.

The article proposes that the crooked and drinking wind of illegal regulations must be innovatively solved. In recent years, the problems of eating and drinking in violation of regulations have changed their heads and sneak into the ground."Eating empty letters", "don't eat public funds, eat bosses", "do not eat this level to eat lower -level", etc., and increase the accountability of investigation and punishment.

The article also mentioned that it is necessary to prevent strictly strictly to eat and drink, and strive to discover and investigate and deal with the problems of eating and drinking in private clubs, unit canteens, internal reception hotels;It is intertwined with the issue of corruption. Please ask for things and interests to be completed on the dining table at the hidden place. Rice is the key to discipline and bureau is the key to the problem.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection also announced on Sunday that January this year's investigation and punishment of the eight provisions of the Central Committee of the Central Committee this year. In January this year, the country investigated and dealt with the 6925 of the eight regulations of the Central Committee.Among them, there are 7,593 people in party discipline and government affairs.

The website of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission issued again on Monday (February 27).The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China stayed in the past that was considered to be unable to stop eating and crooked wind, but the bad style was repeated and refractive. If it was slightly relaxed, it might rebound back.

The work report of the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection emphasized that seriously rectifying the damage to the image of the Communist Party of China and the strong reflection of the masses' hedonism and extravagant winds.Anti -rebound recovery, anti -invisible mutation, anti -fatigue and disgusting battle.

The article wrote that after continuous rectification, the problem of eating and drinking in violation of regulations was largely curbed.However, in the situation of high pressure, the problem of eating and drinking in violation of regulations changed to face and turned into the ground, and the phenomenon of invisible mutation was highlighted.

The article refers to the specific actions of Henan, Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Construction Bank on the issue of strict investigation and drinking., Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels should use systematic thinking to cure illegal food and drinking problems, adhere to the "three non -corruption" advancement, and improve the long -term mechanism of work style construction.