China Shipbuilding Group's Hudong China Shipbuilding (Group) Co., Ltd. and China Shipbuilding Industry Trading Co., Ltd., 80,000 cubic meters of LNG (LNG) transport ships built by China Shipbuilding Industry Trading Co., Ltd. for Shenzhen Gas Group Co., Ltd.The Princess "Saturday (February 18) was named at the Captain Captain's Shipping Base.This is the first LNG ship of the first LNG ship "Dapeng Hao" in China after the first domestic large -scale domestic large -scale 147,000 cubic meter LNG ship "Dapeng Hao".The fourth LNG transport ship named "Dapeng" Bay is also the first LNG ship that was delivered to the East China China in 2023.

According to the China News Agency, the "Princess Dapeng" is the fourth -generation LNG ship in the world's largest shallow waterway, which is independently designed and constructed by Shanghai East China.The ship has a total length of 239 meters and a width of 36.6 meters. The liquid cabin type is GTT No.96 L03+.The 80,000 cubic meters of LNG transport ships are an important part of the Shanghai East China LNG entire industrial chain. Three shipments have been delivered to this day, becoming another brand of ships founded by Shanghai East China.

Before 2008, China did not have a LNG ship independently designed and built, and the "Shenzhen Project" was China's first LNG ship project.In April 2008, Hudong successfully delivered China ’s first domestic large -scale 147,000 cubic meter LNG LNG ship“ Dapeng Hao ”, becoming the“ breakthroughs ”and“ pioneers ”to break the monopoly of Japan and South Korea.Since then, the "Dapeng Month" and "Dapeng Xing" have been delivered for Shenzhen.

Hugong China is a pioneer and leading enterprise in the field of R & D and construction in China LNG ships.Since 1997, it has been farmed in the LNG industry for 26 years, and has delivered more than 40 LNG transportation equipment, forming from ocean (174,000 cubic meters of LNG ships) to offshore (80,000 cubic meters of LNG ships), from the inland river (14,000 cubic cubic cubic cubicThe full series of LNG high -end products and full coverage of LNG high -end products from the Mi LNG transportation ship) to the inland (land LNG storage tank) has become a veritable "chain leader" for the Chinese LNG entire industry chain.At present, Hudong Chunghwa handheld nearly 50 LNG ship orders, and production tasks have been ranked until 2028.2023 is a critical year for the increase in the production of the LNG ship in the East of the East. It is planned to deliver four to five LNG ships throughout the year. The LNG ship under construction at the same time will reach 16 records at the same time. The number of construction in 2024 is expected to increase to 24.