In response to the former British Prime Minister Tras -related remarks, the Chinese embassy spokesman in the UK issued a statement on Friday (February 17) to criticize its arrogance and unreasonable speech, deliberately discredit Chinese image, and urged the British politiciansStopped for no reason to attack China and stop destroying Sino -British relations.

Trass delivered a speech on Friday to criticize the Chinese political system and Taiwan's policy, and said that the West should increase support for Taiwan. The Chinese Embassy in the UK issued a statement on the official website as a question and answer, criticizing the BritishPoliticians' remarks are arrogant and unreasonable, deliberately discredit China's image, interfere with China's internal affairs, resolutely oppose it, and give strong condemnation.

The spokesman pointed out that China's political system is the choice of the Chinese people and a successful path for history and practice.The above -mentioned British politicians made their country a mess, and they were not qualified to say three or four to the Chinese system.

The spokesman emphasized that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China's territory. The issue of Taiwan is purely in the Chinese internal affairs, and no external forces have no right to interfere.To achieve China's complete unity is the firm will of all the Chinese people, and it is also the general trend.Anyone who wants to stop is dreaming during the day and is destined to end in failure.

The spokesman urged the British politicians to stop attacking China for no reason and stop destroying Sino -British relations.