Byte beating internal person byte Byte CEO Liang Rubo sent an internal letter to announce the cycle of the formulation and review of the target to adjust the goal, and change the original bi -monthly OKR (Objectives and Key Results, that is, performance assessment)The company -level bi -monthly meeting is changed to quarterly meeting.

According to interface news reports, for the reasons for adjustment, Liang Rubo pointed out in the internal letter that most of the company's business is relatively mature and complicated now, the two -month change is not obvious, and the retrospective cycle can be longer.

Liang Rubo pointed out that this adjustment is more flexible.The business is changing rapidly, or in a critical period, you can choose to add a review and alignment meetings in the quarter; the business changes are slow, and you can choose to open once in two quarters.After the overall reduction of the conference frequency, some theme meetings can also be added to make the discussion deeper.

In the past few years, the bytes have been using the performance assessment of the two -month OKR, and core products such as Douyin and today have always followed the principle of data -driven.For the data indicators, the byte beating has a set of accurate calculation of the cost and output algorithm of each business team (DAU or income).This set of methodology and assessment has become the basis for the rapid growth of products such as Douyin and today's headlines.

Analysis believes that when the entire industry grows dividends, the growth of successful products such as Douyin and today's headlines is becoming increasingly difficult. Last year, the DAU growth of the byte beating its products was less than expected.Data drivers make many employees tired of cope, and the effect is counterproductive.In other new businesses, the two -month assessment can easily make the team short and lack the patience of long -term development.This also causes the internal volume of internal rolls inside the byte beating.

Liang Rubo also responded to this phenomenon in the internal letter.He said that he had received some feedback before, such as the long -month preparation time (even some departments will rehearse), but the information increases less and has less quality discussion.These phenomena have nothing to do with the frequency of conferences, nor are the reasons for adjusting the rhythm.The company needs to face these issues by strengthening the principles of bytes and leadership.Pay attention to the efficiency of the meeting, the documents are clear and simple, do not pile up materials, do not pack and do not go away.