Taiwan ’s Chief Executive Chen Jianren went to the Legislative Yuan for a policy report and accepted inquiries for the first time on Friday (February 17)."Lost to know".

Comprehensive China News Network and Taiwan joint newspaper reported that the New Session of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan was discussed on the 17th.10,000 yuan.

Chen Jianren said in an interview that when he went to the Legislative Yuan, he was inquiring with the ice and trembling. Chen Jianren said that he would communicate with the legislators with sincere heart, hoping to give him the opportunity to make a policy report.I hope that the special budget is passed, and I hope that the time of Ge Ge will not delay the time for the bill and budget.

The Kuomintang legislator Lin Weizhou said that if you do not cup today (17th), you will have no hope of cash 10,000 Taiwan dollars (below, about Nary 440 yuan), because the DPP has intended to be next Tuesday (next Tuesday (next Tuesday (next Tuesday (On the 21st) The hospital will deal with special regulations and vote after negotiating directly in the opposite side, so today must occupy the podium and insist on Pufa's cash of NT $ 10,000.As long as the ruling party promised to issue a cash of NT $ 10,000, Chen Jianren immediately came to the stage to make a report.

Lin Weizhou questioned that the tax levy tax was originally the money of the people. Why do you be exempted every year? The estimated tax levy every year is wrong. What the Ministry of Finance is doing?Adjust?Questioning is greasy inside.

The Kuomintang legislators Lai Shizhen said that the special regulations after the epidemic such as fake packages are big coins, saving the DPP election, saving youth votes, and political considerations are much higher than all.NT $ 100 million, after statistics, it is more than NT $ 45 billion than the estimated. If all are used to pay taxes on the people, Pufa's cash 10,000 NT $ 10,000 is definitely enough.

Regarding the Kuomintang legislators' cups of the Council in the Legislative Yuan, the DPP legislator Zheng Yunpeng said that on February 17th, the president's policy report was the consensus of the Legislative Yuan's coordination and the opposition.It is the master and dean of the guest. He must not be invited by the owner. As a result, the Kuomintang changed his attitude and set up a pit, which was rude as the host.

Zheng Yunpeng pointed out that the Kuomintang's slogans and demand content can be found in the general inquiry with Chen Jianren.Give up the general inquiry of equity.

Zheng Yunpeng said, if Chen Jianren can go to the stage to make a report today (17th), all the Kuomintang appeals can get the answer.It is impolite to fulfill the responsibility of the owner, which is regrettable and helpless.