
Jingqiang Xinyun

No one expected that a Chinese balloon that broke into the United States had tightened Sino -US relations for several days, and it was also difficult to arrange for the "Broken Journey" to visit China.

The U.S. military finally shot down from the coast of South Carolina last Saturday (February 4).Still continuing fermentation.

Guoan vulnerabilities from balloons and whether it is tough for China has been the focus of the two parties in the United States since last weekend.

The Republican party seized the opportunity and bombarded the Bayon government to be weak in China.Former US President Trump is also self -contained in his own social media, and politely criticize the Bayeon government "incompetence".Republicans even demanded President Biden and Vice President Harris to quote the resignation, because the Chinese balloon that invaded the US aim of the United States constituted a major security threat.

The Democratic Party also quickly launched a counterattack, insisting that it was because the Bayeng government improved the monitoring system that it discovered that the balloon flying over the United States last week.

U.S. intelligence officials also released the news that during the ruling period of the last President Trump, China's reconnaissance balloons flew over the United States at least three times, and were close to sensitive military facilities and training areas.The White House National Security Counselor Shalvan said that the Bayeng government "enhanced its ability and discovered what the Trump administration could not discover."

The deep concern of the American balloon incident directly in the United States has also strengthened the "Chinese threat" in the United States.In the United States, which is nearly elected and has severe domestic politics, Chinese balloon inevitably involves the vortex of the two -party struggle.The internal affairs continued to diplomacy, forcing Washington to urgently call the Secretary of State Brosky's visit to China, and the workers sent the F22 fighter to launch the soundtrack missile and hit the balloon high -profile.

The impact of balloon incidents on Sino -US relations is also difficult to turn it easily.In the past few days, the U.S. military salvaged the falling balloon wreckage on the coast of South Carolina.US officials told the media on Monday (February 6) that the first batch of wreckage had been found and would be given to intelligence experts to analyze.The search staff is also waiting for the right weather to start the underwater operation to recycle more wreckage by Washington as a "spy balloon".

The ownership of the balloon wreckage has become a new focus of China and the United States in the past two days.Kuri, a spokesman for the National Security Council, said that the wreckage of salvage will not be returned to China.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning responded on Tuesday: "This airship is not in the United States, it is China. The Chinese government will continue to firmly safeguard their legitimate rights and interests."

The other is the international law of international law derived from the balloon incident.China acknowledged that balloon entered the United States because of force majeure to enter the United States, but condemned the United States to shoot down the balloon significantly excessive reaction and seriously violated the spirit of international law and international practice. The United States insisted that balloons violated the United States and violated international law.

Beijing and Washington each hold their own words, and Donald Rothwell, a professor of international law at the National University of Australia, pointed out on Monday that Chinese balloon flew over the United States to "test the boundaries of international law."

He pointed out that international law has clearly stipulated the use of balloons in other countries.Each country has complete sovereignty and control over the waters 12 waters from its land. According to the International Convention on the International Law, it also has completely and exclusively sovereignty over the airspaces over its territory.

In other words, each country has control over the commercial and government aircraft that enter its airspace.However, international law does not clearly stipulate the upper limit of the airspace.Traditionally, the airspace operating satellite belongs to the category of Space Law; in reality, the airspace usually extends to the upper limit of the flight of commercial and military aircraft, that is, the height of 45,000 feet (13.7 kilometers) from the ground, but the problem isThis balloon floats 60,000 feet from the US land.

However, Roswell believes that the United States has its own air defense identification zone and requires an airplane to enter the United States to show its identity.The rules have a solid legal basis for the United States' response to Chinese balloons.

Some international observer are also worried that the balloon incident may be extended to the contradiction between China and the United States in the South China Sea and other issues.The United States claims that the free navigation and close reconnaissance in the South China Sea are in line with international law. In Beijing, it is also an infringement of its sovereignty. If the balloon incident cannot be effectively controlled, it does not rule out that China will take a stronger action on the United States in the South China Sea to the United States.Response.The Chinese Ministry of Defense responded to the United States after the United States shot down the balloon that "the right to use the necessary means to dispose of similar situations" made people have to worry about the risk of wiping guns and getting angry.

Regarding this balloon, there are many mysteries that have not been solved. What is the function of balloon, is it a simple meteorological balloon, or is there a reconnaissance function?What conclusions will the United States come to analyze the balloon wreckage?Will domestic politics continue to speculate on balloons?Will China be forced to make a stronger response due to the pressure of domestic public opinion?Will the two sides be upgraded around the dispute between international law?A small balloon has set off such a large cyclone to make Sino -US relations uncertain, and this cyclone may last for a while.